How much of your life have you
Taken on so much of others' pain
That you felt like you had no strength
Left to go on?
How much of your life have you carried
Everybody else's luggage and baggage
On your back that isn't yours?
How much of your life have you
You tried, tried, and tried again and again
And found yourself knocked down each time?
How much of your life have you shed
Tears in this seemingly endless river of
Deep pain, grief, sadness and sorrow?
Weep and cry as much as you need,
And as long as you need
What if it is safe and possible to feel
And embrace all this pain?
Each tear you shed is your prayer to God
Each tear you shed is your pure heart to God
Each tear you shed is God's precious pearl
Each tear you shed is God's pure love for you
God hears you
God knows your pain
God is here with and in you
Because you are God, and God is you
At all times
Even when you don't feel like it
It's all ok
Yet, let's look at where you are
You are still standing
You are still breathing
You still keep going
You never give up
You never give in
You never quit
You get knocked down
You get up over and over again
A thousand times
A trillion times
As many times as needed
Even when you feel tired
Even when you feel hopeless
Even when you feel like
You have no strength left to go on
That is
How amazing you are
How courageous you are
How resilient you are
How unbreakable you are
How unstoppable you are
How gigantic your heart is
How loving you are
How caring you are
How powerful you are
How magnificent you are,
God's warrior of spirit
You are rare in this world
One in a million
You are God's bright diamond in the making
Would you like to receive this truth
About you for you?
Because you know deep within
All this pain can never stop
Your pure heart and spirit
Because you know deep within
All this pain is no match for you
Because you know deep within
You are here to thrive and shine
Because you know deep within
You have a purpose to fufill
Because you know deep within
You have a massive dream to live
Because you know deep within
A bright and brilliant future
Filled with joy, freedom and soul purpose
Is waiting for you ahead
Because you know deep within
Your hope never dies
That hope is your infinite light and knowing
Because you know deep within
Your burning fire
To be alive and awake
To shine your light fully
To be all of YOU
Totally and absolutely free,
Never dies
That burning fire is YOU
Unshakeable and indestructible
Bright and brilliant
Victorious and glorious
Like a million suns
Because you know deep within
Each time you get knocked down
Is each time your hope, your fire,
Your heart, your light, your spirit
Burns bigger, brighter and greater
Than ever before
It burns, burns, and keeps burning
Turning all this deep pain beyond words
Turning all this baggage and luggage
Turning all these armors of protection
Turning all these walls of limitations
To ashes
Leaving nothing left but
This God's sparkling pearl
This God's infinite starlight
This God's infinite joy
This God's infinite power
This God's infinite love
This God's golden treasure
This God's magnificent masterpiece
Called the miraculous YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: