How much of your life
Have you been taught
By judging and concluding
Who and what is good and bad
Who and what is right and wrong
Who and what is evil and saint
Who and what is and is not supposed
To do, have and be,
All of that polarity reality
Using the mind to function in life,
It is the way of life and living
As though it is working?
If it worked, why would we have
So many problems in life,
Stress, health, finance, relationships
You name it
If it worked, why is it that
Nothing is ever enough
Unless something happens or
Somebody comes?
If it worked, why would we not truly
Feel happy or fulfilled
Unless this or that occurs?
If it worked, why would humanity
Experience so much pain and suffering?
If it worked, why would there be cruelty,
Violence, corruption and wars
Taking place in the world?
It is all the endless game of the mind
It is all the endless game of insanity
Has it ever worked?
We have been taught for trillions,
Eons of years that the mind
Is the answer, the key and the lock
For everything in our life
When it actually is not
Everywhere you bought that lie
From your authority figures
From your generations, ancestors,
Society, cultures , countries,
Everybody else around you
And this entire human race,
As real, true and yours
When it isn’t,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, destroy
And return it all to senders please?
What if there is another way greater?
What if your heart is the answer?
What if your heart is your total being?
What if your heart leads the way?
What if your heart uplifts, expands
And creates a greater world
Within and without
Far beyond imagination?
What if we share the same heart,
And that heart is God within
Each and every one of us?
Your heart is the sun
Your heart is the moon
Your heart is the star
Your heart is the diamond
Your heart is the breeze
Your heart is the air
Your heart is the whisper
Your heart is the warmth
Your heart is the joy
Your heart is the kindness
Your heart is the generosity
Your heart is the serenity
Your heart is the hope
Your heart is the light
Radiating from the core of your being
Your heart is the pearl of wisdom
Rising from the eternal depth of your soul
Your heart is the blossoming lotus
Scenting with your pure essence
Your heart is your beautiful soul
Singing to the entire Universe
Your heart is the infinite bliss
Dancing with God within you
Your heart is the infinite ectasy
Merging as one with the Cosmos
Your heart is the life force
Pulsating with every fibre of your being
What if there is nothing to be afraid of
When your heart is that beautiful
When your heart is that loving
When your heart is all-compassing
When your heart is that gigantic
When your heart is that enornomous
When your heart is that magnanimous
When your heart is that brilliant
When your heart is that treasure of God
Flowing through every fibre of your being?
Everything that doesn’t allow you
To acknowledge and receive
That truth and infinite capacity
Of your resilient heart,
Would you like to uncreate,
Delete and destroy it all?
Would you like to receive that
It is safe and possible for you
To lower all barriers
To uncreate all the lies
To destroy all the walls
To drop all the swords
To tear off all the armors
Created from the mind
To soften your heart
To open your heart
To feel your heart
To embrace your heart, and
To speak your heart
To allow your heart
To lead the way
In order to receive
All of YOU and everything
That God desires for you?
What if that is true caring for you
Simply for YOU?
You are on your way
Flying your wings
To your eternal Home
Called the magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- Deep healing and coaching sessions
For total clarity and freedom
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: