Many times when someone shares
Their thoughts, feelings and emotions
Like anger, sadness, fears, tears
All they need is to be heard
All they need is to be acknowledged
All they need is allowance
All they need is a safe space
To be allowed to express themselves
Without being judged
As wrong or bad
Without being dismissed
For however they feel
For whatever they think
Without being given advice
Without being told
What they should or shouldn’t feel
What they should or shouldn’t think
What they should or shouldn’t do
They always know what to do
They have their own awareness
They have their own wisdom
Coming from their hearts and souls
Your mere presence and space
Allowing them to be
Is a huge gift to them
That capacity always starts with you first
Allow you to be
Allow you to feel anything at all
Especially when it comes to
Anger, sadness, fears
All the uncomfortable feelings and emotions
Without judgments of you
And breathe through it
Use whatever tools you got
To allow you to
Drop into your heart and
Feel full-on
With every fibre you got
Whatever you need to do
To let it all out
That vulnerability is your strength
Not weakness
That vulnerability is your freedom
Not limitation
Trying to suppress it
Trying to forget it
Trying to bury it
Trying to deny it
Trying to push it away
By doing something else
As a distraction
As a coping mechanism
Is a temporary solution
You might feel better
For the time being
Yet it short-lives
It will come back
At another time
It will get you
To forget more of
Your desires
Your dreams
Your fires
Your truth
Your heart and soul
Your total freedom
The truth of who you are
From within
It is safe to feel uncomfortable feelings
You will not just survive
But you will thrive beyond it
You will remember more of your soul
You will reclaim and own more of YOU
Whole and complete
Awake and alive
Don’t hold back
It’ll set you free
It’ll bring you lightness
It’ll bring you your total clarity
It’ll awaken your soul
It’ll open your heart
It’ll give you space
That is YOU
Your being
Your state of being
That is you holding space for you
That is you having compassion for you
That is you listening to you
With total allowance of you
The more you do and be that for you,
The more you do and be that for others
That is true empowerment to you and others
That you are born to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong