How much of your life
Were you taught that
You were selfish
You were uncaring
You were bad
You were wrong
You were this
You were that
All the most horrible things about you
As though your own existence
And everything about you
Was a wrongness?
How much of your life have you spent
Believing all those lies as real and true
Thinking and believing that
You had nothing to offer to this world
Your life wasn’t worthy to live
You meant nothing to nobody
You weren’t needed or wanted
In this life?
You are an infinite being
Ligntness and expansion is YOU
Whatever feels heavier is always a lie
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
Truth sets you free
No matter how painful it can be
If all those lies were all true about you,
Why would it stick your heart badly,
Lock you up in cages and
Drag you down further and more?
Because none of it is true
For and about you
So everywhere you bought
All those lies as yours
When it wasn’t,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate,
Delete, destroy, and return
It all to senders please?
What if everything that was taught
As the lie of the wrongness of you
Is actually the strongness of you?
What if everything that was taught
As the lie of the wrongness of you
Is actually the gift and blessing
Of YOU and as YOU
To this planet Earth?
You are needed and wanted
You have everything and more
To offer to you and the world
You know it
Deep in your heart and soul
That is why you are here
Keeping going
To be your light
In your own way
You are loving and caring
Beyond words
Your heart is gigantic and enormous
Beyond measure
You are kind and gentle
Beyond this world
You are empowering and powerful
Beyond imagination
Does it all feel lighter for you?
Would you like to
Acknowledge and receive
That greatness of YOU?
You are the beautiful lotus
Blossoming from the mud
You are the precious pearl
Sparkling deep in the ocean
You are the bright diamond
Shining from the rough
You are the spectacular star
Twinkling in the sky
You are the unstoppable eagle
Rising above all ashes
You are the courageous warrior spirit
Striking with your light sword of truth
You are the magnificent phoenix
Flying to the infinite
You are God’s life
That never stops flowing
You are that undeniable spark
That lights the fire
That you are born to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
