Have you ever felt frustrated
Thinking things don’t go
As fast as you would like
Or don’t go as you expect?
It’s normal to feel frustrated
What matters is to be aware
Of that frustration
That makes you feel heavy
And choose your truth
Which is light for you
It is a process and practice of
Choosing over and over again
What brings lightness for you
Great things do take time
Give yourself time and space
Without rushing the process
Without pushing the process
Without forcing the process
Without forcing a fruit to ripen
When it is still green
You are ready when you are ready
You learn when you learn
You grow and evolve
At your own pace
In your own way
At your own timetable
There is always a divine timing
You will know beyond logic
From your heart and soul
When it is right for you
Only YOU know
Nobody else
That’s how powerful you are
You are in the perfect place
From wherever you are
With whatever you choose
No matter what happens outside of you
Whether you believe it or not
Greatness is coming your way
In the meantime,
Trust the process
Allow the process
Build your fortress
With a strong foundation
That is YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong