Just feel into the energies of the words
Which one feels lighter is true for you
Have you ever found yourself saying you forgave someone
Yet you still felt all the hurts, anger, or resentment towards them?
The dynamic of the relationship didn’t change?
What did you define as forgiveness that actually isn’t?
What if forgiveness has been approached from outside in instead of inside out?
What if it is not about whom you forgive or don’t forgive outside of you?
But it is you who needs to set you free from
All the judgments of you first and foremost?
How much of your life have you spent
Judging yourself and making you wrong
For every choice you’ve made?
What if you have done nothing wrong to be forgiven?
What if others have done nothing wrong to be forgiven
Even if it is something you might perceive unforgivable either for you or them?
It is our judgments of ourselves and others that make it so
When you say ‘I am sorry to someone’, are you asking for and waiting on their forgiveness
To be able to forgive yourself and to be approved?
Or you have already set you free
From self-guilt, self-shame and self-blame
And you say sorry to let them know
You appreciate them
You appreciate your relationship with them
You acknowledge how they feel
And what can you do to make up for the damage done?
That is your strength
Your courage
Your vulnerability
Your authenticity
Your pure love right there
What if it is not about forgiveness but about what can be done to change the situations?
By your deep inner work to process
Allow your unresolved thoughts, feelings and emotions within you to come up
To flow through you
To transform them into your pure awareness
Your natural state of being
And make empowering choices
That set you and others free
For you to move on and forward with your life
What if ‘forgiveness’ is just another word
For ‘freedom’
Freedom from judgments of you
Freedom from judgments of others
Freedom to be you
Freedom to be them
Without wrongness or rightness
It just is
Inner peace with yourself
Pure consciousness
Infinite, pure, God within’s love
In her best-selling book ‘Dying To Be Me’ by Anita Moorjani - a popular author, speaker and spiritual teacher
She had terminal cancer, literally died and had a near-death experience
She chose to come back to life and healed the cancer herself naturally within a couple of weeks when she got forgiveness on a whole different level in that super-consciousness state
She said: ‘I realized that within that infinite, nonjudgmental realm, there’s actually no need to forgive myself or anybody else. We’re all perfect, exquisite children of the Universe, and we exist out of pure love’.
What if there is nothing or nobody to forgive
But just to come back and remember our truth
That we are pure, God within’s love?
That is the gateway to
Your infinite freedom to be YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
