There are choices
That you make
That you might not feel proud of
That you might feel guilty of
That you might not want to talk about
Thinking or hoping that
If you don’t talk about it,
It will go away,
Yet it just awaits to resurface
Whenever something comes up
That you might feel like
You can’t speak out
You must not speak out
Especially to those who are
Close to you
Your family members
Your friends
You name it
For fear that
You will be judged
As bad or wrong
As more guilt
Does that resonate?
How much of that guilt
Is what you were trained
To go into default
For whatever choices you make
That keeps you stuck
And doesn’t allow you
To be aware of your truth
To be aware of your lightness
That sets you free?
How much of that guilt
Is everybody else’s reality
That you have been carrying
As your own
When it is not even yours?
How much of that fear
Is actually your awareness
Of their judgments of you,
Even before you say anything to them?
How much of that fear
Is actually your intuition
That it’s not safe
To share with them?
Would you be willing to acknowledge
How aware you are?
When someone judges your choices
As good or bad
As right or wrong
As not good enough
As you could have
As you should have
So on and so forth,
Spoken or unspoken,
Whether they are aware of it or not,
How much of that is their
Own judgment of themselves?
How much of that is
Their unconsciousness
Their lack of compassion
Their disempowerment
Their unkindness, and
More of contraction
To your universe
That gets you stuck?
You don’t need any of that
In your life
You are choosing you
You are moving forward
You are reclaiming your life
No matter what
No more exhaustion
No more struggles
No more fighting
No more proving
No more suffering
No more drama
No more trauma
No more self-dishonoring
No more self-abandonment
Enough is enough
Take YOU back
What you need is lightness
What you need is expansion
What you need is allowance
What you need is empowerment
What you need is kindness
What you need is support
What you need is full presence
What you need is emotional availability
What you need is to be heard
Without any wrongness of you
For whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions
For whatever choices you make
You do know who is safe for you
To share with
That is how wise you are
The being that gigantic as you
With such a huge kind heart
With that much of a depth of your soul
Requires beings
With the same capacities
To hold space for you
Keep choosing those who can listen to you
Keep choosing those who are curious
To hear where you come from
Keep choosing those who allow you
To express yourself
Without making you wrong
Keep choosing those who
Inspire and empower you
Lift you up
See the greatness in you
See the pure gigantic heart in you
Regardless of whatever choices you make
Enabling you to find your truth
Enabling you to trust
Your phenomenal awareness
Enabling you to expand your space
Through and beyond
All those lies of guilt
To be your freedom,
And fly
That is your kindness to you
That is listening to you
You got YOU
You got this
One step at a time
- Phuong
