Have you ever found yourself loving,
Thefore receiving people and things
When you felt good, high-vibration feelings
And resisting and reacting,
Therefore not receiving when you didn’t?
Have you ever found yourself
Loving someone or something so much that
You held on to them and
Cut off your awareness and receiving of
What was really true for you
What else was possible
And resisted change?
What if, either way is non-receiving
Based on judgment of
Good and bad
Right and wrong
Positive and negative
As the definition of love?
Let’s tap into
The energy of ‘receiving’
There is total allowance to it
There is flow to it
As in flowing through
The very act of feeling pain
Allowing it to flow through you
Is love
That is total receiving
What if love is total receiving
Of whatever and whoever that is
Whether it feels good or bad
High or low
By allowing it to be
To flow through you
Without holding on
To anything or anyone
But just total freedom to be?
What if you could be
In total receiving of
All the ups and downs
All the pain and happiness
All the joy and sadness
All the poverty and wealth
All the lack and abundance
All the darkness and light
All the peace and wars
As all aspects of the Universe
As all aspects of you
All aspects of life
As the sum total of
Your life experiences
That are all gifts from God
For your soul’s growth and evolution
To know, experience and embody
The universal truth
Through your human body that
Love is total receiving
Love is lightness
Love is infinite expansion
Love is infinite freedom
Love is infinite awareness
Love is pure consciousness
Love is God within
Love is YOU
Your very being
Your soul
Love is everything and nothing
Love is the void
The reservoir
The abundance
The flow
Of everything and nothing
Of the unknown
Of infinite possibilities
For the genius
The legendary
The legacy
Of the whole Universe
To be created
Called YOU
YOU are that love
Magnificent and beyond
You got this. One step at a time.
