Everybody has their own story
Everybody has their own pain
Everybody has their own suffering
In their own different ways
With their different experiences
That are only unique to them
That are completely incomparable
To everybody else
We don’t know how many tears
They might shed
We don’t know how much pain
They might experience
We don’t know what they think
We don’t know how they feel
We don’t know how much
They might struggle
When they don’t speak it
When we don’t witness it
When they are alone
Behind their closed doors
Behind all the smile and laughter
Behind all the glamorous appearance
Of what they might have or possess
So nobody suffers more or less
Than anybody else
Nobody’s story is more or less important
Nobody’s story is more or less significant
Nobody’s story is more or less valuable
Than anybody else’s
Everybody’s story has their own place
Everybody’s story has its own power
Everybody’s story has it own potency
Everybody’s story has its own light
Everybody’s story serves their purpose
For their soul growth and evolution
For their being lightness and expansion
Everybody’s story is worthy
To be heard
Everybody’s story is worthy
To be acknowledged
Everybody’s story is worthy
To be honored
Without dismission
Without comparison
Whether one suffers most
Whether one suffers
More than the other
In order to prove power
In order to prove enoughness
In order to prove importance
In order to prove something else
What if true power is
Allowing everybody’s story to shine
Without the need to protect
Without the need to defend
Without the need to prove
Anything at all?
Your story is an inspiration
Your story is an empowerment
Your story is the very key
To your own freedom
Your story is the voice of God
Your story is the gift from God
Your story is the breath of God
Your story is the light of God
Your story is the fire of God
Your story is the beauty of God
Your story is the message of God
With your physical body
On this planet Earth
As an eternal soul
As a different facet
Of a bright and magnificent diamond
That God created you to be
With every experience you have had
With every tears you have shed
With every struggle you have conquered
With every gift you have received
From all the pain you went through
With every learning you have got
That is unique to you
Without having to be
More or less significant
Than anybody else’s story
Without your and others’ stories,
God’s diamond couldn’t be found
Your story is an amazing gift
From God to humanity
Your story is a potent reminder
That we are all that
Sparkling eternal diamond
That God created us all to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong