Where you felt hopeless,
You find hope
Where you felt helpless,
You find strength
Where you felt powerless,
You find vulnerability
Where you felt confusion,
You find clarity
Where you felt doubt,
You find trust
Where you felt stuck,
You find possibilities
Where you felt chaos,
You find serenity
Where you felt trapped,
You find freedom
Where you felt anger,
You find kindness
Where you felt grief,
You find joy
Where you felt lack,
You find abundance
Where you felt separation,
You find wholeness
Where you felt loss,
You find YOU
YOU are God’s beloved
YOU are God’s union
YOU are God’s treasure
YOU are God’s light
You have found and continue to find
So many God’s pearls and blessings
On your path regardless of
What’s in your way
You have been riding
Your glorious journey
Of coming Home with
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: