Have you ever experienced
So much abuse growing up
That you felt like
You never had a father
Even though you had one?
That you felt like
You never had a mother
Even though you had one?
That you you felt like
You never had a family
Even though you had one?
That you felt like a tree without roots?
That you found yourself
Unable to receive in any way
As you were never taught to receive
And all you were taught was
To give, give and give some more
Until you shrank into
A dot and nothingness?
How much of it
Did you make you wrong
For even feeling that way
That got part of you to keep
Holding on to the past
Holding on to the family
That you wanted to believe so badly
That they did love you
That got you to keep repeating
The same patterns of abuse
During your adulthood?
How much of the few times
When you felt loved
And treated nicely
That got you to hold on to the past
Was manipulation and control
To get you to believe
That they loved you?
How much of it was love
When it was all based on conditions
Rewarding you if you behaved
Punishing you if you didn’t
As anything else
Less than a human being
With cruelty
With violence
With all forms of abuse
That you endured?
How much of it was love
When your heart was broken
When your soul was torn apart
When you already felt dead inside?
How much of it was love
When here and there
Now and then
So rarely did you get
To have the ‘crumbs’ of love?
Would you be willing
To acknowledge your truth
You have always known
Since you were a kid
That none of it was love?
Would that part of you
Be willing to feel
This deep pain and sorrow
Beyond measure
Once and for all
Knowing that you are safe
To set you free from
The father and mother
Brothers and sisters
A family you thought it was
That actually wasn’t?
That is your true freedom
What if you can create
Your own family
With YOU as a strong foundation
With God as your Source
With God as your father
With God as your mother
With God as your brothers and sisters
With God as your family
With God as your Home?
Would you like to allow God
To teach you all over again?
Would you like to allow God
To teach you to believe in you again?
Would you like to allow God
To teach you to trust you again
Without the need of the past?
As God did, do and will always
Believe in YOU
As God was, is and will always
Be with and in YOU
As God is your total freedom
Through all hardship
Across all time and space
Across all dimensions and realities
Across all lifetimes
Past, present and future
Across all stars and planets
Across all universes and galaxies
Beyond and back
For all eternity
No matter what
That is why
You are here
On this planet Earth
Sharing God’s message
Sharing God’s story
To inspire and empower humanity
Through YOU
My beautiful souls
God believes in YOU
You are a gift
You are a miracle
No matter how much
You want to hide or deny it
All it takes is your YES
To your God’s truth
You are on your way
Of spreading your wings
Of roaring your voice
Of flying to the horizon
Of lighting the world
With your bright and brilliant future
That YOU create
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
