Have you ever had the thoughts like
‘I can’t make this happen
Unless I have this or that person
Unless I have this or that thing
To support me?’
How much of your life, and
How many lifetimes have you spent
Waiting on someone or something
To happen as though you needed
Their permission and approval
In order to prove you were good enough
In order to prove you were not wrong and
Doing the right thing by them
In order to trust you and move ahead?
How much of it was a lie
Taught by your authority figures
And bought it as your own
When it actually wasn’t?
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, destroy
And return it all to them please?
You know deep in your heart and soul
Magic and miracles exist
Infinite possibilties are your reality
Talents and gifts are your birthright
Expressing your soul is your purpose
You are capable of making
Whatever your soul desires happen
That is why you are right here
Right where you are right now
Did you wait on those who you thought
You needed their approval and permission
To get to where you are?
What if when you thought you didn’t
Have this or that person to support you,
It is because you are way more capable
Of supporting you with
Your heart, your soul
And your God as your Source?
What if you didn’t have this certain thing
You thought you had to have,
It is because you are way more capable
Of creating something way greater
Than your expectation and imagination?
If you ever doubt yourself
At any moment about what you do,
And think you need people’s approval,
My questions would be:
Do you love what you do?
Does it make you feel joyful?
Does it make you feel happy?
Does it make you smile?
Does it lift you up?
Does it expand your soul?
If it’s a YES,
Keep doing it,
My beautiful souls,
Because it is all that matters
Above all else
Your happiness
Your joy
Your God’s sunlight
Your choice of YOU
It is your approval right there
Before anybody else’s approval
It is shining your light right there
No matter what
It is your infinite capabilities of creation
Right there
Without the need to wait on
Anybody else or anything else
To come along
Your joy from doing what you love,
Regardless of anybody else’s approval
Regardless of any doubts
Regardless of any challenges
Regardless of how many steps it takes,
Will get you to move mountains
Your joy from what doing what you love
Will keep you creating your masterpieces
That fulfill and nurture your soul
Your joy from doing what you love
Will continue to expand your greatness
Unlocking and breaking you free
From all the lies and limitations
That hold you back
Your joy from doing what you love
Regardless of what circumstances are
Regardless or who is or not with you
Is your declaration and reclamation
Of approval and permission of you
Of your extraordinary genius within
Of your miraculous capabilities
Of your unshakeable trust in you
Of your total kindness to you
Of your total caring for you
Of receiving everything God gifts you
Of your best partner and companion
Of your eternal loving Home
Whole and complete
Bright and brilliant
Called God’s magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong