How much of your life have you spent
Having fear and worries of
What others think about you,
And their judgments of you
As good or bad
As right or wrong?
How much of your life have you had
Others delivering tons of judgments of you
As though you are wrong to do this
You are bad to do that
You don't meet their expectations
And points of view of you
While telling you they want good things for you?
How much of your life have been taught
That you can't survive, you can't make it,
You can't succeed without their approval,
Acceptance and support
As though you are incapable
And not good enough without them?
How does it feel for you?
Lighter or heavier as hell?
Whatever is true for you always feels lighter
Whatever is a lie for you always feels heavier
Lightness is YOU
Joy is YOU
Happiness is YOU
Peace is YOU
Infinife expansion is YOU
Infinite empowerment is YOU
Total freedom to choose and to be is YOU
Eternity is YOU
So is the 'I want good things
For you' while judging you as hell
With guilt, shame and wrongness of you
True lovingness, caring for,
Empowerment and expansion to you
Or is it actually manipulation, control
Disempowerment and contraction to you,
Non-acceptance of you
As who you are, what you are
And where you are
In order to get you to do what they want you
To do according to their belief system
And points of view?
How much of all this lie and the lie that
You can't make it without them
Belongs to them that you perceived,
Thought it's you, bought it as yours,
Made you wrong as hell,
Second-guessed you, distrusted you,
Disowned you and rejected you
Thinking it'd give you
Their love, support and approval?
A little, a lot or all of it?
Everything that is, would you like
To uncreate, destroy and return
All this pile of crap to senders please?
And everywhere you have given your
Power away, your trust in you,
Your love and caring for you
With your own choices
That are true and right for you
While believing their lies as
Real, true and yours
Believing that this is
What love and caring is when it actually isn't
Everything that is, would you like
To uncreate, delete, destroy it all please?
Would you like to acknowledge and receive that
You are absolutely capable and
More than good enough
To choose, create, have and be whatever
You would like to choose for you
That brings you empowerment,
Expansion, lightness and joy
Without having to follow or
Fit in with anybody else's system,
Beliefs, opinions of you, but
Your own truth and total freedom
To be YOU?
You are that worthy to be YOU
You are that worthy to be empowered
You are that worthy to be free
And it starts with you first
Walk away from anyone who disempowers you
Walk away from anyone who tries to
Control and guilt-trip you
Walk away from anyone who treats you,
In a way, spoken or unspoken,
That makes you feel unworthy,
Doubt you and your choices
None of their money and rewards,
Emotional and material,
Is worth your giving up on your soul,
Total being and total freedom to be
Face your own fears and self-doubt head-on
If and when it arises
Your being, your God within
Is way greater than any fear or doubt
Ride it, move through and beyond it
Each time it comes up
As it is no match for you
Would you be willing to stand alone
If and as needed
In order to choose to trust you?
This is your power right here
Your power to choose to trust you
Your power to choose to love you
Your power to choose to care for you
Your power to choose to be kind to you
Your power to choose to be free
And true to you
Regardess of people's opinions of you
Take back your voice
Take back your truth
Take back your being
Take back your power
Take back your freedom
Stand your ground
Speak your truth
Stand up for you
Follow your path
Follow your heart
Follow your light
Shine your light
Roar your voice
Soar your wings
Rise, rise and rise
Regardless of anybody else
Understanding you or not
Judging you or not
Approving of you or not
Supporting you or not
Labelling you as this or that or not
They ain't your authority
They ain't your judge
They ain't your juror
They ain't your God
Nobody's opinions and points of view
Can control you without your permission
You are your own authority
You are your own God
The more you are willing to say NO to
All those who disempower you
All those who try to control you
Under the lie of loving and caring,
The more you are willing to function
Beyond the norm without the need
To fit in or belong,
The more you are willing to say YES
To you and your truth that expands you,
The more you trust you unshakably
The more others' opinions, judgments of you
Have no weight, control or power over you
You are the creative leader of your own path
You are the phenomenal creator of your own life
You are the brilliant painter
Of your own masterpieces
You are the magnificent co-creator
Orchestrating this beautiful dance with God
You are the infinite possibilities
You are the infinite symphony
Of God, with God,
From God and as God
For all eternity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: