We all have different bodies
In different sizes and shapes
We all have different life stories
With different versions
We all have different life experiences
With different challenges
We all have different paths
With different soul and life purposes
We all have different possibilities
With different choices
We all have different talents and gifts
As unique souls
That is the beauty and power
Of our differences
As the expression
Of the entire Universe
We are all different facets
Of a bright diamond
At its core
We are all the same light
That same light is God within
Each one of us
Sparkling and shining
For all eternity
No matter where you are
In your journey,
You are on your way
Igniting your God’s light alive
Through your magical soul’s expression
With your infinite creativity
With your magnificent masterpieces
That only you can create
With your total power and freedom
To choose YOU for YOU
You got this. One step at a time
- Phuong