Have you had the experiences
Where you desired to
Lift someone up so much
When you perceived
Their pain and suffering
When you totally got
Where they came from
With every fibre of your being
From your heart and soul to theirs
And you just appreciated it so much
That they felt safe enough to
Open their heart and soul to you
And all that mattered to you is
To empower them to see for themselves
How magnifcent they are
How beautiful they are
How loving and caring they are
How wise they are
How strong and courageous they are
How powerful and potent they are
How whole and complete they are
How sacred they are
That nothing else mattered
That no amount of money could buy
That time and space didn’t exist
That there was no label of
A teacher or a student
A healer or patient
A helper or helpee
This person or that person
With this or that name
From this or that religion
From this race or that race
From this or that place
That there were only you and them
There was only this sacred presence
Of seeing and being each other’s soul
Of seeing and being each other’s light
As oneness
Without any labels at all?
Have you noticed
With your pure intention
With your pure heart
With your pure soul
You allowed you and them to be?
What if it is not so much about
What tools or techniques
You use to empower you and others
But it is about YOU, your being
And your art of using them and more
That sing to each other’s heart and soul?
Everywhere you made
Whatever tools or techniques
Whatever titles or labels
However much you could or couldn’t do
For you and others
Greater than YOU,
Everything that is,
Would you be willing to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all?
How many times
Did you have the thoughts,
Conscious or subconscious, that
If you get here or there
If you can do this or that
If you can reach a certain goal
If you can have this or that
If you can have this amount of money
Then you’ll feel good enough
Succesful or accomplished enough
Wealthy or rich enough
Healthy or whole enough
Seen or visible enough
Happy or blissful enough
Peaceful or at ease enough
And judge you for not getting there?
Does it feel solid and heavy for you?
Everywhere you judged you
And made you wrong
As not doing or being good enough
As not doing or being enough
As doing something wrong
As a failure or disappointment
From your decision that
You gotta do, have or get something
In a certain way
That kept you dismissing,
Rejecting and denying
All the greatness and beauty
All the magic and miracles
All the unmeasurable kindness and caring
All the capabilities and capacities
All the strength and potency
All the wisdom and knowing
All the precious and rare gift
That you are
To you, others and their world,
Would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all
Acknowledge and reclaim
Your spark and impact
Your light and magic please?
That much of lovingness and caring
That much of kindness and compassion
That much of brilliance and brightness
Beyond measure
That you are capable of and be
For others is that much
You are capable of and be
So everywhere you went against you
Beating you up dynamically
As the only way you knew how
To be kind and loving to you
Which wasn’t
When was the first time
Did you decide that
Everybody else in this world
Deserves all the best
And you don’t
Thinking and believing
That is how to be good and kind?
How much of that
Were you taught from
Your loved ones and authority figures
And bought that lie as your own
When it wasn’t?
Everything that is,
Would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all
And return all that crock of crap
To them and reclaim your
Innate kindness and compassion
For you please?
What if there is no destination to get to
What if there is nowhere to get to
What if there is only your life journey
Of every choice you make
Of every life experience you choose
Of whatever you do or don’t do
Of whatever you think as
Achieving or not achieving
For your practice and embodiment
Of non-judgment of you
Of remembering and embodying your soul
Of gaining and growing for you
The total truth of your being
Your infinite awareness and knowing
Your God’s Source that you are
Of this very moment
Right here and right now
To be willing to choose to be
Kind, loving and caring to you
No matter what?
What if that is YOU
As God’s conductor
Of your magic wand?
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
