How much of your life
Have you spent having worries
Fears and anxiety thinking of
The worst-case scenarios
When things don't work out
With the thoughts like
What if I can't make it?
What if I end up being all alone
Without any support
To be able to survive?
What did I do wrong?
Is there something wrong with me?
All of those thoughts along the line
Do they make you feel heavier and heavier,
Dragging you down in this rabbit hole
Of endless loop that makes you feel
So wrong about you, as though
You are powerless and helpless?
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
Whatever feels heavier is always a lie
Most of the time it is the lie or lies we
Were taught and bought from
Everybody else as ours when it isn't
Because you are born to be happy
You are born to be light and free
Joy is YOU
Total awareness is YOU
Pure consciousness is YOU
Eternal peace is YOU
Infinite possiblities is YOU
Total freedom is YOU
Nothing less than that
It is ok whenever worries,
Fears and doubts arise
We are all human
We all have them at one point or another
What matters is to be aware of them
And question them for our absolute truth
So how much of all those fears, anxieties,
Worries, thoughts and beliefs about you
Are what you perceived, picked up, absorbed,
Bought and internalized as real, true and yours
From everybody else who taught you
Since you were a kid till this very moment?
A little, a lot or all of it?
As a result of it, how much of your life
Have you spent truly believing that
There is something wrong with you
That you can't do anything right
Making you wrong constantly
Distrusting you, and
Rejecting you completely,
And how much of all this rejection of ,
Doubting you and wrongness of you
Is what you bought from all those who
Taught you still?
Everything that is, would you like
To uncreate, delete, destroy, return
It all to senders, and reclaim all parts
And pieces of YOU please?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Are the gifts to unwind and destroy
Whatever that ain't true about or for you?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Are the gifts to unwind and destroy
Who you thought you were
When you actually are not,
In order to acknowledge and receive
Who you thought you weren't
When you actually are?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Are the gifts to discover and recognize
How capable you are against all odds
That you have never thought of before?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Are the gifts to be vulnerable
With you and God
Lowering all barriers
Burning and bursting
Your heart wide open
Realizing this is the truth of who you are?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Is the gifts to unearth and realize
What you are truly made of
Your eternal infinite strength
Your eternal unbreakable spirit
Transcending and transforming
Whatever comes in your way?
What if beneath and beyond all challenges
Are the gifts to trust you even more
To reclaim and receive
More and all of YOU
To be Home with
Your own soul and God
Your ultimate TRUTH of all,
That couldn't have happened otherwise?
This is how resilient you are
This is how strong you are
This is how capable you are
This is how unstoppable you are
This is how maginificent you are
This is how magical you are
This is how miraculous you are
This is how amazing you are
Beyond measure
Would you like to receive it all
About you for YOU?
You are on your way
Flying to the horizon
Of infinity
Of total freedom
To be all of YOU
The glorious leader of your own path
The massive creator of your own destiny
For all eternity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
