Have you ever felt stuck
Thinking and believing
Things were unchangeable
Nothing changed
You couldn’t change it
No matter how much you tried?
How does it feel for you?
Lighter or heavier?
What if none of that is true?
What did you define as change
That actually wasn’t,
That if you didn’t define it,
It would allow you to see
Your God’s total truth?
What impact have you been making
On you and others
That has expanded you and them
That you haven’t considered?
What light have you brought forth
In, with and through you
That has lightened up others’ worlds
From different walks of life
That you haven’t thought of?
How many choices for you
Have you made
That you thought you never could
And yet you did?
How much have you been able
To feel in, with and through your body
That you thought you never could
And yet you did?
How deep have you dived into you
That you thought you never could
And yet you did?
How much space
Have you created for you
That you thought you never could
And yet you did?
What kindness and caring for you
Have you chosen
That you thought
You never could and yet you did?
Would you like to acknowledge
That is how capable you are
Way more than you are willing
To give yourself credit for?
What if you have been changing
And moving forward
Way more than
You are willing to acknowledge?
So everywhere you decided
Changes had to be a certain way
That kept you from
Perceiving and receiving
The amazing things
You have been doing
The courageous choices
You have been choosing
The true change
You have been creating
The huge progress
You have been making
The brilliant wisdom
You have been gaining
The magnificent growth
You have been obtaining
The depth of a powerful soul
You have been unearthing,
Would you be willing
To uncreate, delete, destroy all that?
You are the changer
You are the shifter
You are the hope
You are the glow
You are the light
That radiates
That transforms
That dissipates
All the darkness
All the lies
That aren’t true
For and about you
What would it be like
If you would ask and
Be your ask and receiving
With total ease
For your inner knowing
For your total clarity
For your total truth
For your total awareness
For your total lightness
For your total space
For the fullness of your soul
For your God’s light
To burn into flame
That you truly be
For all eternity
That melts away
All darkness and lies?
What if you are the magic and master
Of your ask
With your total perceiving
With your total receiving
Of all forms of energies
As the first language
Of your infinite being
Beyond the thinking mind
Beyond the human language
Beyond this physical reality
Beyond this world
With your life journey
You have been walking
On this planet Earth
To embody and be
The greatness that
God created you to be?
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong