How many of you
Thought and believed that
If you do anything wrong or bad,
God will punish you
Or that you’ll go to heaven
Only if you do good things
Or that God is testing you
When you experience so much
Pain and suffering?
Is it true?
Does it feel lighter or heavier for you?
Did those beliefs lift you up
Or pin you down
With more judgments of you
Whether you are likeable or not
Whether you are nice or not
Whether you are good or not
With whatever you do or don’t do?
How much of those beliefs was
What you were taught and perceived
From your family, authority figures
From your culture, religion and society?
How much of those beliefs
Was passed on to you
From ancestor to ancestor
From generation to generation
As a default and a normal reality?
Would God want punishment for you?
Would God want you to suffer?
Would God want to test you
Whether you trust God or not?
Would God divide and define
What is heaven and hell
And decide where you go
Based on your behaviour?
Would God teach you that?
Or is it human creation and conditioning
Training you to believe it
As real and true
To determine rewards or punishment
For others’ love and acceptance
In order to control you
In order to mold you
Into what you are expected
To be or not to be
Instead of your own wants and needs
Instead of your own soul?
What did you define as God
That actually wasn’t?
How many definitions of God
Did you have that aren’t even yours?
A little, a lot or all of them?
Everywhere you purchased
All those lies and beliefs
In this lifetime
In any and all lifetimes
As yours
When it actually wasn’t,
Would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy
It all and return it all
To the senders please?
You are still standing here
And keep going
With your God’s light
As your torch
No matter how many lies
And beliefs you were taught
That aren’t true or light for you
Because you know deep
In your heart and soul
Your God’s total truth
That there is so much more for you
Better and greater
Beyond imagination
Beyond your wildest dreams
That you are here to truly live
That you are here to enjoy life
That you are here to shine your light
That you are here to have and be joy
What if heaven is your Home
Right in your heart and soul?
What if heaven is your state of being
No matter where you are?
What if heaven is your kindness,
Lovingness and caring for you?
What if heaven is God’s unconditional love
For you right here on this planet Earth
Regardless of what you do or don’t do?
What if heaven is your total awareness?
What if heaven is your joy
Whenever you choose
Without the need of punishment
Without the need of suffering?
Punishment and suffering is a choice
It is our own making
It is our human creation
That separates us
From God’s total truth
Coming from all lies and beliefs
That don’t empower us
To be the greatness
God created us all to be
What if you are here
To smash them all
To embody and be all of YOU?
What if you are an ascended master
Walking on Earth
With your life experiences
With everything you’ve gone through
With all the learnings and growing
You have gained from
And continue to obtain
To show God’s total truth
Within each one of us
By your power to choose
By your willingness to ask for
By your capacity to receive
More of your joy and fun
More of your smile and laughter
More of your happiness and bliss
More of your heart opening and receiving
More of your total awareness and truth
More of your kindness and
Appreciation for you
More of your total trust in you and God
More of your adventure and exploration
More of your powerful voice and
Speaking your unstoppable truth
More of your victory and glory
More of your magic and miracles
More of your abundance and ease
More of your God’s spectacular starlight
More of your total space and being
More of your knowing and wisdom
More of your infinite freedom
More of your aliveness and living
More of your talents and gifts
More of your superpower and genius
More of your contribution of lightness
To you and the world
That are all just meant for YOU
What if it is exactly
What God desires and has
For you?
What if it is the whisper
Of your magnificent soul
To a wide open door
Of more and more
Of infinite possibilities and choices
To be Home with YOU and God
Right here on planet Earth
Called God’s magnicent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
