Have you ever felt
Drawn to something
Or curious about something
Whether it’s reading, watching
Or listening to something,
Without knowing why,
You didn’t have any recollection of it
Saying something like,
‘I don’t feel anything’
‘I don’t know if it’s real.
‘I don’t know if it’s true.’
Especially when it comes
To the things that most people
Around you don’t believe in
Or think it’s crazy or not real
Yet the very thing
You were drawn to
Gave you hope
A sense of lightness
A sense of joy
A sense of Home
Whether you were
Aware of it or not?
How many of you were
Taught as a kid
To doubt your knowing
Rather than trust it?
How many times
Were you told
You were crazy
It wasn’t real?
How many of you were told
That there must be evidence
There must be reasons
There must be details
There must be an explanation
There must be many people
Saying the same thing
There must be this or that
To back it up
In order to trust?
Does that feel heavy?
The God all-knowing part of you
Happens that fast
In a split second
The part of you that doubts
And denies your knowing
Also happens that fast
In a split second
When you say ‘I don’t know’,
Does it feel lighter or heavier for you?
When you say it to yourself
Often enough or all the time
From what you were taught,
It becomes an autopilot programming
That runs in the background
That you are no longer conscious of
That’s when self-doubt occurs
That’s when the repeated patterns occur
That’s when confusion occurs
That’s when you wanted
To speak your truth
But didn’t know what to say
How to say it
In a stressful situation occurs
So everywhere you said to yourself
‘I don’t know’
Disavowing your knowing,
Therefore disavowing YOU,
Would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy
All that and reclaim your
God all-knowing part of YOU?
What if you do know
Without the why?
What if you do know
Without the need
Of anyone else’s approval?
What if it’s safe and possible
To trust what you know
And that you are
So worthy and deserving of it
Because it is your God-given gift
Since you were born into this world?
How do you know you KNOW?
Whatever feels lighter and expansive
For you
If and when you catch yourself
Saying ‘I don’t know’
That contracts your world
Pause and ask yourself
‘What if I do know,
What would I know?’
And go with it
Would you like to receive that
You understand what it feels like
To go with it
With your total freedom
To go wherever you’d like to go
Without having to be right or wrong
Without having to be perfect
Knowing that wherever you go,
It is going to be a wonderful adventure
Of seeing the real YOU?
What if by choosing to
Trust your knowing
Over the doubts
Over all the disempowering teachings
With your self-awareness
Over and over again,
You thrive and fly so high
To be the extraordinary leader
Of your life you are born to be
As you choose to
See and trust YOU
Your heart, your soul and
Your God within
No matter what?
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong