How many of you
Growing up were taught,
Spoken and unspoken,
That your parents’
Loved ones’ and everybody else’s
Pain and suffering
Was all your fault?
Did it squeeze your heart
Did it stab your heart
Did it crush your heart
Did it break your heart
To the level
You couldn’t breathe?
Did it shatter your soul into
Parts and pieces to the level
You felt dead inside?
Was the pain in your body and being
Bleeding so deeply in your veins
That numbing it
All the ‘I don’t know’ and
Getting out of your body was
The only way
You knew how to survive?
How many times did you
Feel that way
Throughout your life?
How many parts and pieces of you
Did you split from
That made you feel broken?
Everything that is,
Would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all
And take back
All those parts and pieces of you?
As loving and caring as you are
You loved those who
Taught you so much
That you took on all the lies
Of blaming, shaming and guilting you
Believing that was how they loved you
Locked them all up in your body
Until you felt no strength left
In order to take away
Their pain and suffering
When it actually didn’t
In order to feel connected with them
When it actually separated you
More from you and them
Everything that is,
Will you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all?
Would you like to receive that
You know what it feels like
To be loving and caring to
To be connected and
In total communion with
You and others,
Bigger and greater
Vast and expansive
Liberating and free,
By being all of YOU
Without having to take on their baggage
Without having to carry them
On your shoulders
Without having to be them?
With that level of trauma and drama
You went through,
The fact that
You are still standing here
Breathing each and everyday
Looking back on
All the pain and hurts
All the grief and sorrow
That you didn’t get to express
To set you free
Collecting any and all
Parts and pieces of you
Back to and with YOU
Fighting for your life
Even when you didn’t feel it
Fighting for your future
Even when you didn’t see it
Fighting for YOU
Even when you didn’t know
What your sense of self was
Teaching you all over again
Gifting everything
That you were never given
To others from different walks of life
Lightening up their world
Empowering them to be
Everything God created them to be,
It is nothing less than a miracle
YOU have made it all happen
Because YOU are that miracle
Would you like to acknowledge
Your God’s absolute truth about
That level of power and potency
That greatness of a powerful leader
Beyond words
That you are born to be?
Your light is so bright and undeniable
That all the turmoil,
Insanity and cruelty
Of the world you lived in
All the brokeness you felt inside,
It couldn’t kill you,
It never can and never will
Because you know
Deep in your heart and soul
That it is never true about you
Your light
Brighter than the sun
Overrides it all
Your gigantic, enormous heart
Greater than the infinite ocean
Overrides it all
Your capacity to love
Your capacity of kindness
Through your soul
Is beyond this world
That is your rising
Above all ashes
Even when you might
Think or feel like
You are not where you want to be
Keep rising
At your own pace
Above all the drama and trauma
Above all the weight
Above all the lies
That never belong to you
Keep shining your light
In your own unique way
All it takes is your own
Acknowledgment of YOU
All it takes is your willingness
To see YOU and your light
Regardless of who sees you or not
What if you are a visionary
Simply because you see YOU
Simply because you choose
To trust you
With your inner knowing
Without proof
Without the need of details
Of what things are going to look like?
Have you noticed
You keep going
Because you know
Deep in your heart and soul
Only greatness is in store for you?
If you think you’ve already seen you,
See you more
If you think you’ve already loved you,
Love you more
If you think you’ve already trusted you,
Trust you more
If you think you’ve already chosen you,
Choose you more
Let’s celebrate YOU
With our happy dance
With so much joy
Singing in our heart
Just for YOU
For choosing more of YOU
It is never ever too much
When it comes to YOU
Your joy and ease
Your abundance and glory
Your living and aliveness
Your freedom and happiness
You are born to be
Are on your way
As you are taking back
All of YOU
Your magnificent soul
Whole and complete
Bright and spectacular
Sparkling and burning
Beyond imagination
That God created you to be
For all eternity
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
