Have you gone through
So much pain most of your life
Cutting all parts and pieces of you
In order to exist when you actually
Didn’t exist at all
That the only desire you have
For you is to be free
Your total freedom of your voice
Your total freedom of your truth
Your total freedom of your life
Your total freedom to be YOU
Without having to be anybody else
Without having to dim your light
Without having to carry anyone else
On your shoulders
Without having to make you less than
Without having to pretend
You are not the greatness
You already have been
That you won’t allow
Anything and anyone
Including you to stop you from
Your awareness and truth
Your lightness and expansion
Your knowing and wisdom?
What if you are willing to be aware
Of any pattern that drags you down
And destroy it in a heartbeat
Knowing that by choosing it,
You set you and others free
You gain more of YOU
Acknowledging and receiving
Your God’s total truth
With infinite possibilites
That open up your horizon
To your greatness you truly be?
What if you are willing
To let go of any people or relationships
That don’t empower your greatness?
It’s not about how much money
You have or don’t have
It’s not about how many people
You help or don’t help
It’s not about how many people
You have or don’t have
It’s not about what you do or don’t do
It’s not about what you accomplish
Or don’t accomplish
It’s not about how much
You are known or not known,
It’s not about what certificates
You get or don’t get
To prove anything about you
To earn for your place in this world
What if you got nothing to prove
Shining your light unapologetically
Whether others like it or not
Whether others come with your or not?
What if your life experiences and learnings
Are your own certificates from God?
At the end of the day,
It is about YOU and your soul
It is about YOU and your God
It is about your undeniable light
That cracks open all darkness and lies
That aren’t true about you
That destroys any need
Of anyone else’s love,
Acceptance or approval,
With you and God,
What do you got to lose?
Your soul and God got you
You are never alone
You are going in the right direction
To reclaim the greatness
You are born to be
You are your key in your hands
To your own freedom
With your kindness and caring for you
With your choice to remember
And be Home with
Your soul and God
Over and over again
With the choice you make
To move forward
One step at a time
That is your light of God
That is your torch
That is your mark
That is your footprint
That is your voice roaring
That is your eloquent declaration
Of your infinite space
Of your being
Of your total existence
In, with and through the Universe,
You are saying
No matter what
You are going towards
Your brightest greatest mega-star
Burning eternally in the sky
With your name on it
Called the magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong