With whatever challenges
You might have been facing,
However many prayers
You might have been saying
Desiring a change
Desiring a bright, brilliant future
Feeling all alone or unsupported
Please know that
You are not alone
God within hears you
God within sees you
God within honors you
God within appreciates you
God within acknowledges you
All your tears
All your pain
All your hard work
All your little effort
Your fighting spirit
Your warriorship
To keep standing
To keep choosing you
Knowing that there’s so much more for you
Planet Earth
Trees, plants, air
The stars, the moon and the sun
The rivers, ponds and oceans
All nature
Everywhere and around you
Angels, all Gods, Goddesses of all cultures
Beings of light of all stars
Your ancestors
All the unseen forces
They are all witnessing
And holding space for you
Sending you so much love
So much support
So much appreciation
So much guidance
At all times
Even when you don’t feel it
And above all
Your very own soul is with you
At all times
Loving and supporting you so much
Waiting for you to reunite
And move forward together
To your greatness
Your magnificence within
Your brilliant, eternal light
Like millions of central suns
Burning and shining
To all Universes and back
That God created you to be
You got this. One step at a time.
