Have you ever had the experiences
Where you saw whom you care about
Making the choices
Over and over again
That hurt themselves
That destroyed themselves
That dragged them down
That kept them stuck
You just wanted to
Help them get out of it
And no matter how hard you tried
You couldn’t get them to change
It frustrated you as hell, and
It dragged you down with them?
The truth is that
We can’t help people change
We can’t get them to change
We can’t convince them to change
When they don’t want to change
Any attempt to make them change
Would be controlling on our part
It would be expecting them to be
Who and what we think
They are supposed to be
It is disempowering to us all
It would get us all stuck
It is safe to let go of control
There is nothing wrong with you
For not being able to help them
It doesn’t define
Whether you are good enough or not
Allow you to be
Without making you wrong
For thinking you can’t help them
There is nothing wrong with them either
It is their own path
It is their own journey
It is their freedom to choose
For their own learning and growth
That is unique to them
Allow them to be
Hold space for them
Give them space
Give you space
Without judgments of them
Without making them wrong
For whatever choices they make
That is helping them and you
That is empowering them and you
Without the need to do anything
Without the need to change anything
Without the need to fix anything
You have done more than enough
You have done more than good enough
With just your being
Whether you believe it or not
That is true empowerment to you and others
That is total allowance of you and others
That would set us all free
It doesn’t matter
Others change or not
What matters is YOU
Keep being you
Keep choosing you
Keep trusting you
Keep appreciating you
Keep being the change
You desire to be
Keep being the light
You truly be
Keep going
With your light
Shining your path
Everywhere you go
Offer your gifts and talents to
Those who desire to change
Those who are ready to change
Those who are willing to change
Those who are ready to receive you
Those who need your light
Those who appreciate your light
Those who would love to
Enjoy the ride and journey with you
Those who are in alignment with you
They are your people
That you are meant to serve
As you are the powerful leader and creator
Of your own destiny
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
