As loving and caring as you are
As kind and compassionate as you are
As gigantic a heart as you have and be
How many of you as a kid
Took on all of your parents’ or
Authority figures’ pain and suffering
All of their anger and frustration
All of their worries and fears
All of their sadness and grief
All of their limiting beliefs
To make them feel better
Without even being conscious of it?
Even when you were a baby and a kid,
You were so intuitive and aware
Of everyone’s thoughts and feelings
From the age of 0 to 8,
Your conscious mind
Wasn’t developed enough yet
To be able to filter any and all information
That you heard and learned from them
You were like a sponge
Absorbing everything from everyone
Both positive and negative
You didn’t know how to differentiate
Between what was yours and what was theirs
Because you were never taught to
How much of all those thoughts and feelings
How much of all those emotions and beliefs
Did you perceived from your parents
Thought it was you, bought it was yours
When it actually wasn’t?
A little, a lot or all of it?
How many of you were trained
You were supposed to think this way
You were supposed to feel that way
You were supposed to behave a certain way
You were supposed to believe a certain thing
You were supposed to do this or that
You were supposed to not show emotions
Simply because you were told so
Simply because you were shown so
Without explanation
Without loving guidance
Without being heard
Without being given a choice
You ended up keeping wondering
What you did wrong
There must have been a reason
If you knew the reason,
You could fix it
Then you would get their full love
All of those things along the lines?
Have you found you never seem
To be able to find the answer
Or the reason for it
No matter how much you tried?
Would loving, empowering parents
Blame, guilt, shame and punish you
For their own pain and suffering
For the mistakes you seemed to make?
So how much of that blame, shame and guilt
Is what you perceived from your parents
And bought it as your own
When it actually wasn’t?
A little, a lot or all of it?
Would you be willing
To return it all to them?
All it takes is your YES
If you would like to
What if there is no reason to seek?
What if there is no answer to find?
What if there is nothing for you to fix?
Because you have done nothing wrong
Because it was never your fault
Because none of it was yours
From the first place?
Did you think, feel and believe that
You were the only insane one?
You were the only crazy one?
You were the only wrong one?
You were the only one
Who never got anything right?
You were the only one
Who was not ‘normal’?
What if it is because you were just born
In a wrong family with the wrong people
Who weren’t capable of loving you
For YOU?
Would you like to receive that
As a baby and a child
It is your birthright
To be taken care of
To be protected
To be nurtured
To be loved
To be accepted
To be guided
Without having to be your parents’ caretaker
Without having to be their protector
Without having to be sick
Without having to be bad
Without having to be punished
Without having to punish yourself
Without having to take it all on
As the only way you knew how
To earn for their love and attention
Would you like to perceive and receive
The definition of love all over again
From your own heart
From your own soul
From your own Source
Your God within you?
What if you allow your parents
Or authority figures
To be responsible
For their own pain and suffering
Allowing God within them
To be their own Source
To be their own healer
For their own growth and learnings
Without having to do anything
Without having to fix anything
At all
Other than being YOU
Innocent and pure
Joyful and fun
Curious and playful
Creative and wise
As you truly be?
That is how you love you and them
That is how you empower you and them
That is how you set you and them free
By choosing and being YOU
If none of what you bought is yours,
Who would you be then?
What if what you are left with
Is your total truth
With lightness and expansion
With infinite space
With infinite possibilities
That you have never considered before?
What if who you are left with is
The truth of who you are
God’s magnificent soul
God’s miraculous gift
God’s gigantic greatness
Light and free
Whole and complete
With your body as your companion
Riding this journey on Earth
Having so much to offer
To YOU and the world
That is who you are
You are God’s infinite star
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
