No matter what,
Keep picking yourself up
Over and over again
Even when you want to stop
No matter what
Keep crawling if you have to crawl
No matter what,
Keep walking
Even if you feel like no strength left
No matter what,
Keep looking forward
Even if you can’t see with your naked eyes
No matter what,
Keep moving forward
Even if you don’t know how
No matter what,
Keep fighting for
Your bright future
Even if you don’t know what it looks like
No matter what,
Keep choosing for you,
Even if you have all reasons not to
No matter what,
Reclaim your total power and freedom
To be all of YOU
That power force within you never dies
It is what keeps you going
It is unstoppable
It is the whole Universe within you
It is God within you
It is your soul within you
That very life force
No matter what, the Universe got your back
No matter what, the Universe has always
And will always gift you everything you need
For your gigantic transformation
Even if you don’t feel like it
Before you know it,
You’ll be running like a lion
You’ll be flying like an eagle
You’ll be flapping your enormous wings
Like a phoenix
You’ll be shining your mega-starlight
Twinkling and sparkling
Eternal and infinite
Bright and brilliant
Magical and miraculous
Lifting up the whole world and humanity
As you are born to be
Roar and soar, no matter what
My fellow warriors
You got this. One step at a time.
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