If you were taught
To never be allowed to feel
To never be allowed to cry
To never be allowed to get angry
To never be allowed to speak
To have to suck it all up,
To be made wrong for
Every awareness and knowing
You had
To doubt, deny and reject
Every fibre of being you are,
You might even think
You gotta forgive
All those who abused you
Coming from the place of guilt
Believing you are a bad person
For even getting angry at them
How much of everything
You went through
Was all the pain
Buried deep within you
And not being allowed
To be expressed?
How much of it was
Total annihilation of your being?
How much of it was
Silencing your own voice?
Set you free from the need
To forgive others
Set you free from the need
To be forgiven
As long as it comes from need,
We come from no freedom to choose
Make you the first priority
Give you all that you need
That you were never given
Give you all the time and space
Just for you
Give you all the healing you need
To release all the deep pain within you
There is no shortcut
There is no quick fix
It takes work
You are built for it
You are capable of
Doing and being that for you
Drop into your heart
Allow you to feel everything
Allow you to feel anything
Allow you to feel all the pain
Allow you to get angry at
All those who abused you
In a safe space
Full on
Without guilt or shame
Without judgments of you
You are allowed to get angry
Be heard and received for
Exactly who you are
Without being made wrong
Just because of your anger
Allow you to hear that anger
Give it space
It has a voice
Hear what it says
Take your voice back
Speak your heart
Speak your soul
Speak your truth
Stand your ground
Even when guilt or fear comes up
Challenge it
The more you do that,
The more you reclaim YOU,
All the lies of guilt and shame
That were programmed deep in you
Can’t exist in your world
You are way greater than all those lies
You are way more powerful than them all
That is loving you right there
That is nurturing you right there
That is listening to you right there
That is trusting you right there
That is believing in you right there
That is healing you right there
With your very own power
Your total allowance of you
When you set you free
From all the hurts and pain
From deep within you,
You set others free
Without even the need to understand
Without even the need to forgive
From outside of you
As true understanding and forgiveness
Will rise from the deep compassion
Deep love
Deep appreciation
With deep wisdom
From your heart and soul
As a messenger of God
With your own life story
With your own life journey
With your own life experiences
As an inspiration and empowerment
To all those who need your light
Nobody can stop you
From your own soul
Spread your gigantic wings
Fly higher and higher
You are merging as One with
Your magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong