You don’t have to
Get busy with things
In order to feel valuable
You don’t have to
Have a lot of accomplishments
Or material things
In order to define your worth
Your being is your self-worth
Your presence is your self-worth
Your presence is enough
It is more than enough
It can be a huge contribution
To someone’s world
Without you doing anything
What if you can be
Comfortable with you
Still with you
At peace with you
Kind to you
Loving to you
Caring to you
Appreciative of you
With doing nothing
Without having to try
To make things happen?
What if you are still moving forward
Without having to do anything
Right now?
What if things are meant to be
Exactly the way they are supposed to be
Without you having to
Do a thing about it
For your highest good?
As Iyanla Vanzant said,
‘You are worthy of your time
You are worthy of your energy
You are worthy of your attention’
You are worthy of doing nothing
You are worthy of your deep breaths
You are worthy of your relaxation
You are worthy of your peace
You are worthy of your space
You are worthy of your voice
You are worthy of your trust
You are worthy of your freedom
You are worthy of your joy
You are worthy of all the best
Designed just for you
You don’t have to do
In order to be
When you be,
You’ll have a lot to do
It comes from inside out
It comes from inspiration
It comes from your heart and soul
It comes with flow
It sings to your soul
Without pushing
Without anyone else outside of you
Telling you to do this or not do that
But just you and God
Leading the way
That is the most valuable investment
That you could ever make in yourself
Because you are that valuable
Simply because
You exist
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong