How much of your life have you been told
What you should or shouldn't do?
How much of your life have you been told
This is good, that is bad
This is right, that is wrong?
How much of your life have you been taught
Nothing you did was ever enough?
How much of your life have you been taught
As though you knew nothing
And were less than?
How much of your life have you been told
This is loving and caring?
Does this loving and caring
Make you feel any better
Make you feel empowered
Make you feel any lighter
At all?
Or does it get you to doubt you
Second-guess you
Distrust you
Reject you
Disown you
Thinking and believing
You ain't enough
You are incapable
Wondering why you always get confused
And can never trust you?
All of those teachings
Are a pile of lies and crap
In order to control you
And give you no freedom
That you are born to be
So everything you have done
To buy any of those lies and crap
To make you wrong at all times
To separate you from YOU
To reject any and all of your
Goodness and greatness
About you and as YOU,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, delete, destroy
And return it all to all senders please?
You are the only one who knows
What is true, right and light for you
You are the only one who can find
All the answers you need
From within you
Nobody knows more or better than you,
And vice versa
What if you have always known all along
What is true and light for you?
Or else you wouldn't have been here
Standing and keeping going
What if you can always trust you
Without having to follow anybody else
Without having to make you less than
Without having to make you wrong
Without having to doubt you
Without having to fit in at all?
Would you like to receive that
It is safe and possible for you
You are born to be this Source for you?
What if that is your total kindness to you
What if that is your total love to you
Defying all the lies you have been taught
That aren't true for or about you at all?
What if you are the living proof that
The impossible is possible
The invisible is visible
Everything is possible
With and as God
Noone can put you down
Noone can disempower you
Noone can squash you
Noone can own you
Noone can control you
Noone can possess you
No trauma
No drama
No threats
No intimidation
No violence
No abuse
No pain
Can ever kill you
Let's take your voice back
Let's take your power back
Let's take your talents and gifts back
Let's take your capabilities back
Let's take your greatness back
Let's take your life back
Let's take your light back
Let's take your total freedom back
Let's take your total being back
Let's come Home back
To YOU and God within you
Let's rise, rise and rise again
God is here for you
You are never alone
You are way more than capable
Of doing and being this Source for you,
God's magnificent warriors
Of strength and spirit
Of courage and bravery
Of wisdom and total awareness
Of kindness and caring
Of gentleness and tenderness
Let this unstoppable fire within you
Burn all the lies and limitations
That hold you back and dim your light
You are everything and beyond
You are magnificent beyond measure
You deserve all the best that
This world has to offer to you
You are born to be free
You are born to be greatness
You are born to be extraordinariness
You are born to be total joy and bliss
You are born to be miracle and magic
You are born to total peace and serenity
You are born to be the leader and master
Of your own brilliant destiny
God desires nothing less than that for you
Because YOU are God, and God is YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: