If you think or believe that
You are not healing
Truth: You are healing deeply
Beyond imagination
If you think or believe that
You are not moving forward
Truth: You are moving forward
If you think or believe that
You are not changing
Truth: You are changing for eternity
If you think or believe that
You are not getting
What you want or expect
Truth: You are getting
Exactly what you need
At any given moment
For your soul growth and evolution
Even if you don’t feel like it
How do I know that?
Because you never give up
That’s why you are here
Reading this
Knowing your truth
That’s how strong you are
That’s how courageous you are
That’s how resilient you are
That’s how intuitive you are
Possibly more than you are willing
To give yourself credit for
So what did you define as change
That actually isn’t?
Choose to trust you and your path
Choose to trust your unshakeable truth
In the face of doubts
No matter what
Stretch your trust muscle
Expand your trust muscle
To the infinite
You got it
Open yourself up
To the infinite possibilities
To magic and miracles
To peace and ease
To joy and bliss
To your total freedom and power
To be YOU
Receive them all
You are born to receive all the gifts
That life and the Universe has to offer you
That brings you lightness and expansion
That God created you to be
They are your birthright
You are on the right path
God sees you,
My fellow warriors
All of your efforts and
Hard work to unearth and
Reclaim your magnificence
Your total power and potency
Your total greatness within you
Your total being
Whole and complete
And above all,
You see you
You acknowledge you
You appreciate you,
Which is the greatest gift
You could ever give to you,
Nobody else,
For everything that you have done
Coming from that burning desire within
That deep inner knowing
That only you and
God within you know
That drives you to keep going
To rise, thrive and explode
With your utmost miraculous
Bright, brilliant starlight
On planet Earth
That the world can’t wait to see
You got this. One step at a time.