Have you ever or repeatedly
Found yourself feeling
Far more painful
With the verbal abuse
Going deep into your veins
Piercing your heart and soul
Tearing apart every fibre of your being
Than the physical abuse
And other forms of abuse
That you might have experienced?
It is that very deep pain
That is the very gift and blessing
To understand what it feels like
And have the depth of compassion
For others’ pain
It is that very deep pain
That is your fuel and drive
To never ever speak unkind words
No matter what
To hurt and disempower others back
While still standing in your power
Speaking your truth
Even if they stick you with unkind words
It is that very deep pain
That is the very magic and miracle
Of your super-awareness
Of the energies and
Frequencies of words
It is the very deep pain
That is the very burning fire and desire
That is the very passion and dedication
Coming from your very own heart and soul
Coming from your every fibre of your being
That turns into your gift
Of healing words
To inspire and empower others
With your total power within
With your reservoir of inner wisdom
That awakens and ignites
Their inner power alive
That you are born to be
It is that very deep pain
That is the very gift
To embody the truth of who you are
Your indestructible kindness
Your natural state of being
Your very own soul
With your human body
On this planet Earth
That God created you to be
That is how powerful and potent you are
The magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.