Your burning desire to be free from pain
Your burning desire to be free from suffering
Your burning desire to be free from shame
Your burning desire to be free from brokeness
Your burning desire to be free from sorrow
Your burning desire to be free from grief
Your burning desire to be free from
All the limitations and lies
Of the thinking logical mind
It is that very burning desire
It is that very burning flame
That fuels your very unstoppable drive
That gets you to be willing
To dive deep within
To face them all head-on
To question them all
To experience them all
To feel them all
To dissolve them all
To melt them all
To transform them all
To transcend them all
No more hiding
No more burying
No more avoiding
No more denying
No more pushing away
No more explaining away
With lies and excuses
With all the distractions
Of the material world
As though it is the way to seek happiness
As though it is the way to seek comfort
As though it is the way to seek satisfaction
Has it ever given you true happiness,
Fulfillment and peace
Or there is always something missing,
And nothing is enough?
What if there is nothing missing
Except for the only missing connection
Between us and our own souls
Between us and our own God within?
So everything you have done
To separate you from your soul
To separate you from your own inner God
Thinking and believing that
You needed someone or something
Relationships, achievements or posesssions
To complete and fulfill you
To make you feel loved and happy
To make you feel important and significant
And when it didn’t happen as expected,
You wronged and doubted you,
You rejected and nullified you,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate,
Delete and destroy it all please?
What if you are willing
To be different like nobody else?
What if you are unwilling
To conform to the mass?
What if it doesn’t matter
What others do in the world?
What if it doesn’t matter
What others think about you?
What if it doesn’t matter
If people understand you or not?
What if you only have this burning desire
To open your gigantic heart
Fully and completely for YOU?
What if you only have this burning desire
To understand you so deeply that
You receive YOU
With every fibre of your being?
What if you only have this burning desire
To be Home with your soul and God within?
What if you only have this burning desire
To remember and embody
This infinite bliss and ectasy
That you truly be
And stay there for all eternity?
Joy and bliss is your birthright
What if that is your ultimate goal
Of being here on this planet Earth?
Let’s take full advantage of this life
To reclaim it all for YOU
That is where your power lies
Your willingness to choose
To take your power back
Your willingness to choose
To look all lies
Dead in the eye
And destroy them all unapologetically
In order to reclaim
Your deepest heart of all hearts
Your loving gentleness of your soul
Your magnificent light of a million suns
Your genrosity of pure spirit
Your infinite capacity to gift
Your infinite ability to receive
Your infinite capabilities to expand
Your infinite greatness
Your God’s treasure
You are born to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For deep healing and coaching sessions about relationships, health, loss, grief
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
