How much of your life have you spent
Feeling like an outcast
Belonging nowhere
Feeling misunderstood and unheard
As though you were such a bad person
You did something unforgivably terrible
Being said disempowering things
Either to your face or behind your back that
You are too much
You are too sensitive
You are stupid
You are mental
You are this
You are that
The list goes on and on?
Is it true for you?
How does it feel for you?
Lighter or heavier?
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
Whatever feels heavier is always a lie,
Most of the time it is the lie or lies
We buy from everybody else as ours
When they actually aren't
Only disempowering people disempower others
Only those who truly feel not good enough
About themselves and truly believe
They are not good enough to their core,
Would they try to say and do things
To bring you down to their level
In order to control you
To make them feel better about themselves
Out of their own pain that
They are not even aware of
As an infinite being you are,
As loving and caring as you are
As gigantic and kind your heart is,
You are highly aware of everybody else's
Thoughts, feelings and emotions,
How much of every judgment as good or bad,
All that shame said to you and about you,
Is what you perceived from all those
Who taught you, all the naysayers,
Thought it was you, bought it was yours
When it actually wasn't,
As a result of it, how much of your life
Have you doubted you,
Second-guessed you
And never trusted you
In every corner and at every turn
Beat yourself up and down
Left and right
With whatever you did or didn't do
With whatever you said or didn't say
Thinking and believing
You never did anything right
You never said anything right
There is something innately wrong with you,
Wait a minute, how much of it belongs to
All those who taught you again?
A little, a lot or all of it?
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate,
Delete, destroy and return
All that pile of crap to senders please?
What if your true caring and lovingness
Is your willingness to saying NO
To taking on people's crap as your own?
What if you have done nothing wrong
Your entire life?
What if there is nothing innately wrong with you?
Your journey was or has been so deeply painful
With so much you went or have gone through,
Yet you are still here
Defying all odds
Keeping going for you
With this burning fire
For your pure heart
For your total freedom
For your God within you
To be Home with and as YOU
Nothing can destroy you
Nobody can put you down
Nobody can shame you
No pain can kill you
No naysayers can stop you
No judgments can dim your light
Without your permission
People can say and think
Whatever about whoever
It is out of our control
There will be naysayers
There will be judgments
There will be dislikes, hatred
Here, there and everywhere
Yet none of it matters
Because what matters above all else
Is your truth, not anybody else's
Is your trust in you
Is what you choose to think about you
Is how you choose to feel about you
Is what you choose for you
That brings you lightness and expansion
You are unstoppable
You are a powerhouse
You are a force to be reckoned with
That burning fire in you is indestructible
That magnificent light in you is unquenchable
What if naysayers' NO is your YES
That you actually are doing it right?
What if naysayers' NO is your YES
To keeping shining your light
To turning it up
Even bigger, brighter and greater
Than ever before?
Because you are willing
To be different and stand out
That takes courage of a hell
Of a warrior of spirit within you
What if naysayers' judgment
Is your compliment and amusement
As a thank you for this gift
Because you know deeply in your heart
Because of those judgments,
You have come to this place
Right here and right now
Getting stronger than ever before
Trusting you more than ever before
Embracing you for who and what you are
More than ever before
Because of all those judgments,
You have turned them into fuel
To empower you to walk faster,
To run in full force, and fly
Higher and higher
In order to be
All of YOU
Because you ain't willing
To conform to the mass
To fit in
To belong
To turn you down
To shut you up
To cut parts and pieces of you
To become everybody else that you are not
In order to please everybody else
Any longer
So what if you have done amazing
Way more than you are willing
To give yourself credit for?
What if you have done nothing wrong
When what you have been doing is
Running your own race
Desiring to trust you
Desiring to know you
Desiring to belong with you
Desiring to have you
Desiring to be you
To be the best that you can be,
To be the leader of your own path,
To be the creator of your own life,
To be the champion of your own journey,
Not compared with anybody else,
But compared with YOU,
Following that lightness and expansion
To come Home with you and God?
What if all naysayers' NO is your YES to
Your deep gratitude and appreciation
One million fold for YOU,
For your choices for YOU,
For where you are,
For all the good, the bad and the ugly,
For this life as God's gift
To take your innate power back
To take your voice back
To take your truth back
To be all of YOU?
Would you like to acknowledge and receive
All this greatness of and about you?
You are born to be happy
You are born to be joyful
You are born to smile and laugh
You are born to play and have fun
You are born to be free
You are born to shine your light unapologetically
You are born to have and be
All the best that you deserve in this world
You are worthy to have and be it all
Because it is your birthright
Because it is exactly what
God desires and has for you
You are on your way to reclaim
Who and what is yours and yours alone
Called the magnificent YOU
For all eternity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
