How much of your life were you
Compared to your brothers and sisters
As the only way you knew how
To be good enough
And to be loved?
How much of your life were you taught
You gotta compete with others
At home, at school, at work
And everywhere else
You gotta have the highest score
You gotta be number one
Better than everybody else
In order to succeed
In order to be good enough
And if you weren’t, then
You failed, were less than and
Not good enough as everybody else?
Is it true?
Does it feel heavy for you?
As an infinite being,
You are lightness and expansion
Would you choose competition,
Comparison with others
To define success and failures
For your enoughness
As your reality?
So how much of the necessity
To compete and compare with others
How much of the definitions of
Success and failures based on it
And how much of ‘I fail’ or ‘I am a failure’
Is actually what you perceived
From your parents, loved ones,
Generations, ancestors, cultures,
Societies, students, teachers, schools,
Authority figures and everyone else
Thought it was you, bought it was yours
When it actually wasn’t,
In order to take away their pain
In order to connect with them
In order to be one with them
In order to understand them
In order to be loved
In order to be approved
In order to fit in and belong?
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, delete,
Destroy and return it all to them please?
Let’s say there were nobody else
And nothing else left
On this planet Earth,
Then who would you have left
To compete with?
What if you have you, and only you
To compete with
Without expectations of you
Without projections towards you
Without rejection of you
Without separation from you
Without judgments of you
Without unkindness to you
To be a greater version of you
Than you were yesterday
Each and everyday?
As such, could failure ever exist
In your world as a reality?
What if the fact that
You have been going
In your own path
In your own lane
In your own way
Being willing to be different,
Think and function different
From all the lies you were taught
As though it was the only way
To be human
Reclaiming your life
Reclaiming your voice
Reclaiming your freedom
Reclaiming your total awareness
Reclaiming your total being
No matter what others say
Is your truth that
Competition and comparison
With others ain’t your reality?
What if the need to compete and compare
With others for success and enoughness
Is not to be human,
But it is insanity and madness
To contract you, make you less than
When you are not?
What if you got nothing to prove?
What if you got nothing to compete?
What if you got nothing to compare?
What if the fact that you chose,
At the soul level, to come into this life
Because you knew you could handle it
With whatever you would experience
And that you still choose your kindness
You still choose to thrive
You still choose your light
Is the proof that 
You have never failed
You have never been a failure
You are way greater than
Everything you were taught
You are way more capable
Than you are willing to
Give yourself credit for?
What if you are life itself
Without competition and comparison?
What if you are here
To embody life,
To experience life
To expand life
To be life
To shine your light
To the infinite
Without the need to compare
And compete with anybody else?
What if you are here
To show you and others
That this is the way to be human
That this is the way to be Home
That this is heaven on Earth
That we all can create
At any given moment we choose?
What if your mere existence and breath
Is such a blessing, a gift and a miracle
To everybody else around you?
What if your mere existence and breath
Has made this world a better place
In a way beyond your naked eyes?
That is the greatness of YOU
As infinite life and living
As infinite possibilities
You are born to be
You got this . One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: