How do you feel,
When you tap into
The energies of
‘Money, followers,
Degrees and titles’
Probably wobbly, heavy and contractive?
How do you feel,
When you tap into
The energies of
‘Kindness, integrity,
Humility and generosity?
Probably grounded, light and expansive?
What did you define as legacy
That actually isn’t?
What if legacy is nothing
About material, solid things
But walking your path
Living through and moving beyond
Any challenges, discomfort and pain
Remembering and living
Your soul and life purpose
Your passion for life and living
Unearthing and reclaiming
Your gigantic genius within
With your talents and gifts
With your infinite capacities and capabilities
With your magic and miracles
With your kindness and generosity of spirit
With your total freedom and power to choose
As you are created to be
As a messenger of God
Being infinite lightness and expansion
Being an inspiration and empowerment
To any lives you touch for them to
Remember the truth of who they are
For their own transformation
For their eternal light to reignite
For their gigantic greatness to be awakened
For their infinite lightness and expansion
In their world?
Even if it is one life you touch
That includes...YOU
What if your legacy is YOU?
Your being
Your soul
Your God within
Your light
To be lived
To be shined
Beyond measure
To you
To others
To all Universes
To be remembered
Beyond and back
You got this. One step at a time.
