With the abuse you suffered,
How many times were you made
To believe that
Everything that went wrong
All the anger and unhappiness
Of your authority figures
Was your problem,
You were the cause of it all
You were supposed to fix it all?
Did you feel powerless and impotent
Each and everytime
For being unable to fix it
No matter how much you tried?
Would an infinite being that you be
Feel powerless and helpless
Or is it what you perceived from them?
Everywhere you bought it as yours
When it actually wasn’t
Would you be willing
To return it all to them please?
With that amount of emotional insanity
You experienced and the fact that
You are standing here,
Is it true that you were powerless
Or is it that you were so powerful
Way more than you are
Willing to acknowledge
For not just being able to survive it
And but also getting you out of it
Reclaiming your life and freedom?
Would you like to
Acknowledge and receive
That total truth about you?
When was the first time
Did you decide to be
A problem solver
Taking it all on
Locking it all up
Into your body
For all those whom you loved
Buying their lie that
It was the only way
For their love and attention?
Did you ever get it?
Did your taking on
Ever make them feel better
Or did they throw more at you
And it never stopped?
How much of your life
Have you spent looking
For problems to solve
Finding you facing
Problem after problem
To overcome and
Never seeming to get ahead
As a result of it?
What if it was never your problem
From the first place?
What if your mere presence in their lives
Was such a gift and miracle
To show them different possibilities
That they weren’t capable of receiving?
Did you make you wrong for it?
Everywhere you made you wrong
Feeling powerless and impotent
For their inability to receive
For their decision to not receive
For not being able to fix it
For not being able to change it
For not being able to heal them,
Would you be willing
To uncreate and destroy all that?
What if by returning
Their problems to them,
You gain more of your love for you
You gain more of your freedom for you
You gain more of YOU
Without the need of
Their love and approval?
What if life is your journey
Of destroying all the lies
That you were taught
That limit you?
What if life is your gift
To be YOU
Without having to be anybody else?
What if life is your reservoir
Of infinite possibilities?
What life is your innate ease
To be experienced
No matter what comes in your way?
What if life is your infinite wisdom
To be unearthed?
What if life is your triumph
To be celebrated
With empowering and loving seeds
For YOU?
What if life is your rebirth
To be your magnificent soul
You are created to be?
What if life is your experiencing
Of your greatness and joy
That you truly be?
What if that is your life
That you are meant to live?
Would you like to receive
What it feels like
To live and be life
Without having to
Look for problems to solve
That contract you
And with infinite possibilities
That expand you?
That life is YOU
The breath of your loving heart
The breath of your unstoppable spirit
The breath of your powerful soul
The breath of your being fullness
The breath of your beautiful light
The breath of your burning fire
The breath of your infinite life force
The breath of God that you be
For all eternity
With you and your breath,
The world is a much better place
No matter where you are right now
That is how magical you are
That is how miraculous you are
That is how powerful you are,
My beautiful souls
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
