Have you ever had fear that
Some certain thing
Would happen again
Because you had experienced it
So many times in the past?
Does it feel lighter or heavier for you?
As the infinite being that you be,
Would you have fear?
What if it is your awareness
That this is not working for you
That if you are willing to acknowledge it,
It would allow you to
Stop making the same choices
Start going in a totally different direction
Making totally different choices
From a totally different place?
Have you ever vowed to yourself
Certain things or feelings
That you didn’t want
Whether it’s disappointment,
Sadness, hurts, betrayal
You name it,
Would never happen again
By remembering them
And ended up being
In repeated situations
With repeated same feelings
Over and over again
That you wanted to get rid of
From the first place?
They are the reference points of the past
That we use to make choices and decisions
For the present and future
Thinking they will get us somewhere
When they actually keep us stuck
How many reference points of the past
How many oaths, vows and commitments
Did you make to remember
All those reference points
All the pain and hurts
All the feelings that you didn’t want
Lock them all up in your body
Thinking it would free you from the past
When it actually didn’t?
Would you like to
Disrupt and destroy them all?
Would you like to
Revoke and recant them all?
What if losing them all
Opening up space
For your total truth
For your infinite possibilities
To come in
Is gaining all of YOU after all?
What would it feel like
Without the reference points of the past?
What if your soul and God within
Is your miraculous reference point instead,
What would you choose then?
Nothing but joy and fun for you?
Nothing but your total highest truth?
Nothing but your total clarity?
Nothing but ease with and for you?
Nothing but your total awareness?
Nothing but your lightness and expansion?
Nothing but your kindness to you?
Nothing but your total trust in you?
Nothing but total freedom
To be YOU?
All it takes is your willingness to
Dive deep into you
To fly high and freely
By bringing into your awareness
Any and all reference points
Any and all decisions and conclusions
From the past
That you were unconscious of
That got you to repeat the same patterns
That are no longer serving you
In the present
And smash them all in an instant
With your power to choose
What is true and light for you
Would you like to know that
It is safe and possible
That you are more than capable
Of doing and being that
With your very choice to
To trust your knowing
That lightens up and expands your world
With your soul and God within
As your reference point?
The more you choose
To trust your knowing
The more you trust you,
The more you trust you
The more you free you,
The more you free you,
The more you are Home
With your soul and God
Your heaven on Earth
Your state of being
You are born to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong