How much of your life
Were you taught that
It was wrong for you
To have your needs?
How much of your life
Have you spent knowing
And listening to others’ needs
But your own
Therefore dimming your light?
Your light is so bright and brilliant
That no matter how much
You might have tried to hide it
It still glows and shows
The truth of who you are
In so many different ways
Now how many times
Have you been told
To do this or choose that
Or just let go already
And step into it?
Does it work for you?
For some, it might work
For some, it might not
For some, a push might work
For some, it might backfire
One size can’t fit all
It can be the same message
It can be the same information
But it depends on how it is delivered
Based on where you come from
Where you are at
What your needs are
That would allow you
To receive or reject it
If you feel resistant or freak out
To step into your greatness
Or to do whatever
You aren’t wrong for it
How much of that resistance
Or freaking out is actually your knowing
Your awareness of your magnificence
Your greatness within
Your power and potency
That you truly be?
What if just that acknowledgment alone
Of your amazing awareness
Is all it takes to open up
And expand your world
Without having to push or do anything
To make things happen right now?
If you go to someone for help,
It means you desire change
You just need an approach
That works for you
According to your needs
That would allow you to
Feel safe to receive
Anything and everything
That is available for you
You are in the perfect place
From wherever you are
At your own pace
In your own way
That is unique to you
You are so worthy and deserving
Of the time and space for whatever
You need to work through
That is right and true for you
Nobody knows what you need
Your needs matter
Allow them to be heard
Allow them to be acknowledged
Starting with you first, always
By listening to and
Honoring how you feel
Nobody experiences your experiences
Nobody knows what you have done
What choices you have made
With whatever you had available
To keep going for your freedom
Regardless of how many struggles
Or hardship you might have gone through
You do know what you require and desire
You do know what is right and true for you
It is your own path
It is your own adventure
To explore for you
You are ready when you are ready
You will step into your greatness
On your own terms
That is when it is most powerful as
It comes from your power within
It comes from your free will
It comes from your inspiration
It comes from you total freedom
To choose that simply for YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
