How many of us
Have heard the song
Last Christmas by Wham?
It sings “Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special”
What if that someone special is you?
What if you could give
All of your heart and soul
To all pieces of you
With your deepest compassion
For you
No matter what?
That level of compassion
Can only come from your heart
Your heart is special
Your heart is pure
Your heart is generous
Your heart is kind
Your heart is gentle
Your heart is loving
Your heart is strong
Your heart is courageous
Your heart is bold
Your heart is beautiful
God sees your beautiful heart
God sees your magnificent soul
No matter how much pain
Others inflicted onto you
Making you believe otherwise
You have the power to heal you
You have the power to believe in you
You have the power to honor you
You have the power to value you
You have the power to trust you
You have the power to fulfill you
You have the power to complete you
You have the power to see YOU
The beauty of your heart
The magic of your soul
The miracle of God
Flowing through you
All it takes is your YES
To your innate power
What if you are your best friend
Your best companion
Your best partner
Your best lover
That you can ever have and be
Just for YOU?
That’s how special you are
You got this. One step at a time
- Phuong