As a kid and growing up,
How many times have you experienced
Your loved ones had worries and fears
About you and what you did
Thinking it was not good for you
Something bad was gonna happen
You were making mistakes
Trying to control your behaviour
To stop you from mistakes
By using fear, abuse and threats
By not allowing you to do things
By telling you this is this, this is that
By telling you what to do, what not to do
Believing that it was to keep you safe,
That it was loving and caring?
Is it true for you?
Is it light for you?
As the result of it, how much of your life
Have you been trained to believe that
Loving and caring for you and others
Is to get worried, have fear
And hold on to them
As the only way you knew how
To have peace and freedom
When it actually got everyone stuck?
You are an infinite being
You are infinite freedom
You are infinite lightness
Heaviness isn’t YOU
Controlling or being controlled ain’t YOU
It is all taught and programmed
From generation to generation
From ancestor to ancestor
From society to society
From culture to culture
For hundreds, thousands,
Millions, trillions of years that
Loving and caring as control
Control as loving and caring
When we get worried and fearful
About whatever choices others make
With judgments and projections
Expecting them to be otherwise,
We actually are telling them,
Spoken or unspoken, that
It’s not ok for them to choose so
They aren’t capable of handling
Whatever they choose
That would be dishonoring
Them and their choices
That would be disempowering
Both to them and to us
That is not true loving and caring
That is control
So everywhere you bought
From your father, mother,
Loved ones, their ancestors, generations,
Authorities, cultures, societies
And everyone else around you that
Loving and caring as worry, fear and control
Worry, fear and control as loving and caring
As real, true and yours
When it actually wasn’t,
Everything that is,
Would you like to
Uncreate, destroy and return
It all to all senders please?
Would you like to receive that
It is safe and possible for you
To be loving and caring to you and others
Without the need of fear and worry
Without holding on to fear and worry
Without the need to control you,
Others and situations
Without the need to be controlled
By anyone or anything
With total allowance of
You and others to be
With whatever choices we make
From wherever we are
Knowing that
There is no right or wrong choice
There is no good or bad choice
It is just a choice we all have
The freedom to choose
Whatever it is, it all leads us
To the right direction
That is unique to our own path
For our own growth and evolution?
That is total kindness to one another
That is total empowerment to one another
That is total freedom to be
For each one of us
To walk
To run
To fly
To rise
To shine our light
In full force
With our gigantic magnificent wings
To the horizon
Of infinite possibilities and gifts
Of truth and wisdom
Of magic and miracles
Of victory and glory
Of joy and bliss
Of lightness and expansion
Of symphony and communion
Of Unity and Oneness
We are all born to be
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: