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Your Unshakeable YOU

What if when you feel alone, unsupported

Or have nobody to turn to,

Instead of looking for someone

Or something outside of us

To fulfill our needs,

You turn to your own soul and God?

What if when you feel pain or grief,

You turn to your own soul and God?

What if when you feel so much

Fear or doubt

For whatever reason,

You turn to your own soul and God?

What if when you feel happy and blessed,

You turn to your own soul and God

What if God is your ultimate Source

That can fulfill you in every way possible

That no humans can?

People come and go

Things come and go

No humans can fulfill everything you need

What happens when they are not there,

And you don’t get what you need?

Who or what do you have left?


Have you thought to yourself

If I had this, I would feel ok

If I achieved this, I would feel happy

If I had this person’s love, I would feel happy

If this person did this, I would feel happy

What happens when none of that

Shows up as expected?






You are an infinite being,

You are lightness and expansion

You are infinite joy and ease

Whatever feels lighter is always true for you

Whatever feels heavier is always a lie

Would conditions and expectations

Be your reality?


It is the limitations and lies of the mind

It is all based on conditions and expectations

Is there anything wrong with it?


Has it ever worked though?

Has it ever given you

Eternal inner peace and serenity

Or is it short-lived, giving you

Peace, satisfaction

And self-gratitication one moment,

Anxiety and insecurity the next?

As long as we function

From conditions and expectations,

We screw ourselves up

We have no true freedom

It is all bondage that we carry

For and from each other

So everything you have done

To create conditions and expectations

That screwed you up, and

How much of conditions and expectations

Is the way of living that you bought

From all those who taught you

And everyone else around you

That you thought would give you

The peace of mind, safety,

Security and comfort

When it actually causes

All the problems in your life

Psychologically, emotionally, physically

You name it

A little, a lot or all of it?

Everything that is,

Would you like to uncreate, delete,

Destroy and return it all to senders please?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire to

Remember and embody your soul?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire to

Open your heart fully for YOU?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire to

Function and choose

From your heart

Instead of the logical mind?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire

To be oneness with God?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire to cry for God

With every fibre of your being

Knowing that only God within

Is your eternal Home?

What if you have no other desire

But the only desire

To create everything in your life

From this space of infinity

With total clarity and total ease

With victory and glory

With magic and miracle

With bliss and ectasy

That you truly be?

Only when we truly perceive, receive,

Embody and be that God part

Within each one of us,

Can we truly see others the same,

Only then judgment has no place to exist

All it takes is your willingness

That’s it

You will get there

Take advantage of every moment

Any moment as much as you can

To remember, connect, build

And strengthen your relationship

With your own heart,

With your own soul and God within

Whenever you choose

To the level where

Nothing and nobody else

Outside of you

Could ever shake you

That is your power right there

Your power and freedom to choose

Would you like to receive that

It is safe and possible for you

You are way more than capable

Of being that ultimate Source

For, with and as YOU?

Because that God is YOU

Whole and complete

Unstoppable and unshakeable

Eternal and infinite

Light and expansive

Beautiful and perfect

Spectacular and brilliant

Kind and loving

Gentle and courageous

Open and fulfilled

It doesn’t happen overnight

It does take practice

It does take your willingness

To practice whenever you can

Wherever you can

However you can

As long as you have that burning desire

To get to know you and God

Fully and deeply,

You are on your way

To that ultimate goal

To be Home with YOU and God

It is yours

It is YOU

God’s magnificent greatness

You are born to be

You got this. One step at a time.

- Phuong

- For deep healing and coaching sessions about relationships, grief and health

- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:

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