When you see this
‘For you, a thousand times over’
Who do you think of?
You, your significant other
Your family member or someone else?
What if you are the first person
Whom you say it to?
For you, you choose to lift you up
Even when you feel down
For you, you choose hope
Even when you feel hopeless
For you, you choose to speak your truth
Even when you feel fear
For you, you choose to keep going
Even when you can’t see anything ahead
For you, you choose to crawl
Even when you can’t walk right now
For you, you choose to walk
Even when you can’t run right now
For you, you choose to be
Loving, kind and caring to you
Even when you were never taught so
For you, you choose to do what you love
Even when you don’t know
Where it leads you to
For you, you choose trust in you
Even when you doubt
For you, you choose trust in life
Even when you don’t feel any strength left
For you, you choose trust in God
Even when nothing makes sense
For you, you choose to
Inspire and empower others
No matter how you feel
When that is the only thing
That makes sense
That sings to your soul
That fans your flame
That ignites you alive
That keeps you going
No matter how things turn out
What if you choose YOU
A thousand times again
A trillion times again
Just for fun
Just for joy
Just for YOU
No matter what?
Have you noticed
You are still standing
Through it all
Reclaiming your truth
Reclaiming your life
Reclaiming your power
Reclaiming your voice
Reclaiming your freedom
Reclaiming your gifts
Reclaiming your being
That God created you to be?
That is how amazing you are
That is how resilient you are
That is how strong you are
That is how powerful you are
With YOU
In YOU and
Through YOU
Over and over again
You are born God’s warrior
God’s magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong