When you watched, listened to,
Saw someone you looked up to,
Have you ever had the thoughts like
I wish I could be like that person?
Or when you talked to someone
You adored and admired,
Have you ever found yourself
Telling him or her:
‘I want to be like you?’
Does it feel heavier or lighter for you?
What if when you see
The beauty and greatness in others
It is because you have and see it in you?
What if what you saw in them is
What inspired you to be more of YOU?
What if that desire to be like somebody else
Is exactly that burning desire for you
To be all of YOU
Your eternal beauty and greatness
That you misidentified and misapplied
As wishing to be like somebody else?
So everywhere you misidentified and
Misapplied it when it was actually
You seeing YOU and your greatness,
Would you like to uncreate, destroy all that
Acknowledge and receive
The beauty and greatness of YOU
Your own unique magnificent light
That has always been in you
Since your very first existence
In this entire Universe
Right now?
What if you adore you first
With all of your heart and soul?
What if you hold you first
Deep in your heart and soul?
Would you like to acknowledge and receive
You are way more capable of
Doing and being that Source for you
Than what you are willing
To give yourself credit for?
Would you like to reclaim and own
That burning desire to be
Like nobody else but YOU,
To nurture it
To keep going for YOU
To be all of YOU?
You are so much needed
In this world
It is your light
Your light alone
With your blueprint on it
You are God’s beauty
You are God’s genius
You are God’s star
You are God’s masterpiece
You are everything brilliant
You see in others
And more
There is noone like you
You are one in a million
On this planet Earth and
In this entire Universe
Your incomparable light
Is such a blessing and a miraculous gift
To the whole planet and Universe
For all eternity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book link Ignite Your Soul Alive:
