No matter how much
You were taught to forget
You still choose to remember
Who you truly are,
No matter how much
You were taught
To doubt yourself,
You still choose to trust you
No matter how much
You were taught
To be unkind to you,
You still choose to
To be loving to you,
No matter how much
You felt all alone
You felt unprotected
You felt unsupported
You couldn’t trust anyone
With all the abuse you experienced,
You still choose to
Remember the total absolute truth
God is your ultimate Source
God is your ultimate savior
God is your ultimate healer
God is your ultimate friend
God is your ultimate mentor
God is your ultimate teacher
God is your ultimate protector
God is your ultimate supporter
God is your ultimate trust
God was, is and always will be
With, in and around you
At all times
Across all lifetimes
That you have ever had
Especially during challenges
When they don’t make sense
Whether you are aware of it or not
It is your desire to remember YOU
It is your desire to remember God
It is your desire to be one with God
It is your power to choose YOU
Your heart and soul
Your kindness and gentleness
Your power and potency
Your knowing and awareness
Your lightness and expansion
Your total belief in you
Your total trust in you
One moment at a time
One choice at a time
No matter what
That keeps you unstoppable
You are your ultimate Source
As you are God
And God is you
No matter where you are,
You have been doing amazing
You are in the perfect place
Where you need to be
Whether you believe it or not
You are on your way
To be Home with YOU
With that
Watch out, world
You are an unstoppable powerhouse
With YOU as your foundation
With God as your fortress
Shining your magnificent light
To the entire Universe
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong