What is your path?
You might have a path
You might have a vision
Or you might haven’t figured that out
Either way, the next steps might be unknown
It might create worries, anxities, fear
Or the need to know to have some control
To feel safe
With the questions like
Where do I go from here?
What’s next?
Does that resonate with you?
You are not alone
We all go through that at one point or another
We are in this together
What if they are the very opportunities and gifts
To practice letting go more
Trusting you more
Trusting God within more
Trusting life more
Trusting the process more
That you can’t have otherwise?
When things are known or predictable or go as expected
It is easy to trust
It is embracing the uncertainty that
Brings us to the next level of trust
Trust in God
Trust in the Universe
Trust in you
Knowing that you are safe
You are moving forward
You are thriving
You are roaring
To the next level
No matter what
Welcome the uncertainty
The unknown
With appreciation
With wide open arms
Allowing them to flow through you
To transform all that into truth
That things are working out for you
You are upgrading to the next level
So buckle up
Or ...don’t
As you are going to rocket
To the places and spaces of infinite possibilities
No buckle
No control
No nothing
Just a free spirit
Your true freedom to be YOU
Keep following the energy
Of what brings you, your life and living
And expansion
That lifts up your heart and soul
Regardless of what it is
You got this. One step at a time.