How many of us were taught that
Vulnerability is weakness
For fear of being judged
Made wrong or shamed
For our real and raw emotions
Like anger, fear, pain, and hurts
With things like
‘You must not fear
You must not hurt
You must not feel angry
You must not this
You must not that’
Therefore we gotta cover them up
At all costs
Thinking that is the only way to be strong?
That is how I numbed my feelings
That is how I was in denial of my anger
When I felt angry
That is how I was in denial of my hurts
When I felt hurt
That is how I was in denial of my pain
When I felt pain
That is how I couldn’t speak up
Even when I wanted to
As I was unware of
What was going on inside of me
That is how I functioned in life
Smiling and laughing on the outside
Being strong, bubbly and happy
Whenever I was with people
Being depressed, sad and empty
Having frequent suicidal thoughts
When I was alone
Having no idea why
I was these two complete persons
Does any of that resonate with you?
Let’s look at the flow of a river
It is meant to flow downstream
It is its natural state of being
Is it gonna work
If we tell it to flow upstream?
Absolutely not
It can’t exist as a river
It can’t thrive as a river
It doens’t get to be a river
That it is created to be
The same goes with us as humans
How much of that energy ‘must not’
Takes a toll on your being, life and body?
It is always easy to cover up our pain
To ignore it
To distract ourselves with something else
Rather than identify it
Look at it head-on
Acknowledge it
Feel it
Process it
Cry if you need to
Express it to others
Whom you feel safe with
Who receive you and allow you to be you
You allow you to face the hardest thing
On this planet Earth called pain
With your self-expression of your truth
That vulnerability is your authenticity
It is your strength
It is your courage
It is your healing
It is your softening
It is your connection with you
It is your connection with others
It is your compassion for you
Therefore your capacity of
Compassion for others
It is your inspiration to others
It allows you and others to be
It sets you and others free
It is what moves you
Through and beyond any and all challenges
You are a badass
You are a warrior
Of love and compassion
Of softness and gentleness
Of allowing and receiving
For being vulnerable
You got this. One step at a time.