If you have chronic physical pain or diseases,
If you have the same repeated patterns
That you don’t want in your life
Over the years,
It is normal and ok
If you feel discouraged
If you identify with them
As it has been so long
Thinking and believing
This is part of you
This is who you are
Is it true though?
Does it feel heavier for you?
When I ask you to go to
Any country you like
Or any country you’ve never been to
Right now
Are you right there?
When I ask you to
Go to the moon right now
Are you right there?
You are right there in a split second
Right when any location,
Anything or anyhere is mentioned
Without having to physically go there
Without having to know how to get there
Without you having to know
What it looks like
You are that fast!
That is your infinite awareness
That is your infinite being
You are everywhere, anywhere
And in every molecule of the Universe
That is YOU
You are the infinite vastness of
The entire Universe
You are infinite lightness
You are God’s eternal soul
You are God’s infinite being
Beyond your body,
Therefore you have no limitations
You have no fear
Does that feel lighter for you?
So everything that you bought
That the diseases or whatever patterns
That you might have had for a long time
Are part of you and who you are
When you actually are not, and
Everywhere you made them
Greater than you
Deciding and defining your identity
When you actually are
Way greater than
Way more expansive than
Way beyond
Any limitations, any lies
Any diseases, any patterns combined
Everything that is,
Would you like to
Uncreate and destroy it all please?
How much of the fear and belief that
It has been so long
It is incurable especially when
It comes to chronic diseases
Is what you bought as yours from
Doctors, nurses, hospitals
And the collective consciousness
Of everyone else around you
Believing the same thing
Simply because everyone believes it
Simply because the experts and
Authority figures say so,
Then it must be so and
They must be right?
How much of your life,
And how many lifetimes
Have you spent making
All those experts and
Everyone else around you
Their beliefs and opinions
Greater than YOU?
Everything that is,
Would you like to
Uncreate, destroy it all
And return it all to them please?
How much of all the pain and fear
You have is what you took on,
Held on to by locking it into your body
As the only way you knew how
To be compassionate and
To help those who are in pain?
Everybody has the free will to choose
That includes pain
We might think we are helping
When what we actually do is not helping,
And is taking away their power to choose pain ,
Whether they are aware of it or not
At their conscious level,
In order for them to learn something
For their own souls’ growth
That only they and God know
The more we try to take it away,
The more we take away their possibilities
Of empowering themselves and
Learning something
That their souls desire,
The more we will drag ourselves down
With what doesn’t belong to us
During the process
In the end, nobody goes anywhere
Other than getting stuck
So everything that kept you
Holding on to what is not yours,
Are you ready and willing
To uncreate, and return it all
To the senders
With every fibre of your being?
Would you like to know and receive
What it feels like to be compassionate
Without having to take on, hold on
Or carry others’ pain?
Would you like to know and receive that
It is completely, totally, utterly possible
For you to heal any chronic physical pain
For you to change any repeated patterns
For you to change anything in your life
That you desire?
Because YOU are the one
Who has the power to choose YOU
Who has the power to trust YOU
Who has the power to be YOU
For your lightness and freedom
For your joy and ease
Above all else
Because YOU are the one who decides
That you can change it
That you will change it
That you are changing it
No matter how much physical pain
You might be feeling right now
No matter how much emotional pain
You might be feeling right now
No matter what external cirumstances
Might not be going in your favour right now
No matter however long it takes
No matter whatever it takes
Limitations ain’t your life
Fear ain’t your truth
Diseases ain’t you
That is an absolute NO for you
What if it is not about
The amount of time, or
The amount of steps it takes
To get to what you desire
That makes you believe
What is not true about you,
But it is about
Choosing to be kind to you
Choosing to be caring to you
Choosing to be loving to you
Choosing to trust your God’s total truth
Of who and what you are
Regardless of whatever is going on,
Over and over again
In your life journey?
What if there are so many other possibilities,
What if that is when miracles happen,
Way bigger and greater,
Coming from that place
That you might not have considered before?
What if choosing to be kind to you
What if choosing to trust you
What if choosing to trust your knowing
What if choosing YOU
Regardless of challenges
That get you to feel otherwise
Is a miracle?
As YOU are that miracle
Would you like to know and receive that
You are way more capable of
Creating and being infinite miracles
That God created you to be?
As long as you live
As long as you breathe
There is always a way
There is always hope
That is why you are still standing
Right here and right now
With YOU and God,
Everything is possible
With YOU and God,
Miracles take place
You will change it
You are changing it
Even if you feel otherwise
That is a guarantee
As YOU are God’s infinite possibilities
As YOU are God’s warrior
Of strength and courage
Of hope and resilience
Of greatness and extraordinariness
Of brilliance and magnificence
YOU will and continue to
Turn everything and anything
Into miracles
As YOU are God’s miracle
Walking on Earth
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
