What if at the end of the day,
It is not about
How much money
You have or don’t have
How many accomplishments
You have or haven’t achieved
How much success
You have or haven’t had
What gifts or talents
You have or haven’t reclaimed
What purpose
You have or haven’t fulfilled?
What if at the end of the day
It is about building your relationship
With YOU
Your total being
The fullness of your soul
Your God within
Your choice of getting to know YOU
Your choice of being intimate with you
Your choice of being vulnerable with you
Your choice of listening to you
Your choice of honoring you
Your choice of your vastness
Your choice of kindness to you
Your choice of lovingness to you
Your choice of caring for you
Your choice of compassion for you
No matter what choices
You have or haven’t made
No matter what mistakes
You might think you made
No matter what
You have or haven’t done
As your deepest root
As your strongest foundation
Then nothing else
No fame
No money
No popularity
No manipulation
No control
No nothing outside of you
Could ever shake your core
As your heart, soul and God within
Are your anchor
As your heart, soul and God within
Are your Home
As your heart, soul and God within
Are your inner compass
As your heart, soul and God within
Are your pure intention
Behind everything that you do
Everything else that you desire
Shall just be the pyproduct
Of it all
And the most gigantic gift
You have for you
Is your total allowance of you
Your total kindness to you
Your total trust in you
To move through and beyond
Anything that comes your way
What if that is
Your Home after all
At any given moment
That you would like to choose?
As you are Home
And Home is YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
