As long as we are human
We all have issues
We all struggle
We all judge
In one way or another
Perfection doesn’t exist
That is part of being human
Yet it is our job
It is our responsibility
It is our practice
To be aware of our judgments
And choose differently
If we would like to
We can’t truly understand
Where the others come from
As long as we hold on
To any thoughts
Any feelings
Any emotions
Any limitations
Any limiting beliefs
Any judgments
That separate ourselves
From ourselves
From other human beings
And all beings
All it takes is a choice
For your lightness
For your expansion
For your joy
For your happiness
For your peace
For your ease
For your flow
For your freedom
Then any and all tools
Will come your way
To serve you just that
In your highest and best way
To set you free
For your true understanding
For your growth
Simply for YOU
The deepest compassion
For you and others will rise up
From your heart and soul
That is where true kindness comes from
Not just from understanding
At a logical level
Of the thinking mind
But from the understanding
Beyond logic
That can only come from
Your heart and soul
That is your wisdom
That is your true freedom
That is your true power
From within
With your wide-open gentle heart
With your strong beautiful soul
With your magnificent light
Taking the front seat
With God flowing through you
As your ultimate divine healing force
As your eternal guidance
YOU are the only one
Who has the power
To set you free
You are the one and only
Brilliant leader and creator
Of your own destiny
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong