Keep going
Keep walking your path
Divinely designed for you
It is unique to you
Different from everybody else
For your soul growth and expansion
Keep listening to your inner voice
No matter how much noise is going on
Outside of you
You are greater than any noise
You are greater than anybody’s opinions
You are greater than anybody’s judgments
You are greater than anybody’s projections
All you need is your appoval of you
That is how powerful you are
Reclaim your power
Take your voice back
Your inner voice is your total companion
Your inner voice is your total power
Your inner voice is your total truth
Your inner voice is your total freedom
Guiding you every step of the way
Hear it
Listen to it
Trust it
Follow it
Speak it
Allow it to be heard
It is your inner knowing
It is your inner wisdom
From deep within you
That sets you free
Keep believing in you,
Keep following your inner voice,
Whether you are aware of it or not,
You will find your way
A bright brilliant future
Is waiting for you
With you name on it
For all eternity
You got this. One step at a time.