Your heart experienced so much pain
Your heart experienced so much grief
Your heart experienced so much sorrow
Your heart experienced so much piercing
Your heart experienced so much bleeding
Your heart broke into parts and pieces
So much so that it was too much to bear
So much so that it all cracked open
In order for YOU
To be found
In order for your sparkling diamond
To be unearthed
In order for your God
To fill your heart
In order for your light
To be shined
In order for your soul
To be awakened
In order for your freedom
To be reclaimed
In order for your gigantic wings
To be spread
In order for your entire being
To be uplifted
In order for your joy
To be received
In order for your smile and laughter
To be owned
In order for your love for you
To be embraced
Who heals your heart?
Who opens your heart?
Who fulfills your heart?
That is your infinite capacity of love for YOU
That is your infinite capability of trust in YOU
That is how powerful YOU are
That is how pure your heart is
That is how enormous your heart is
That is how resilient your heart is
That is how loving your heart is
That is how miraculous your heart is
That is how whole your heart is
No pain can destroy your heart
No pain can kill your joy
As you remember your eternal joy
To and from your gigantic heart
As your magnificent soul
God created you to be
It has been such a sacred journey
To travel to your sacred heart
Blossomed and filled with
Your God’s pure joy
You are born to be
For all eterinity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
For my book link Ignite Your Soul Alive: